Twenty years of digital media effects on civic and political participation

S Boulianne - Communication research, 2020 -
More than 300 studies have been published on the relationship between digital media and
engagement in civic and political life. With such a vast body of research, it is difficult to see …

Toward a developmental science of politics

MM Patterson, RS Bigler, E Pahlke… - Monographs of the …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In this monograph, we argue for the establishment of a developmental science of politics that
describes, explains, and predicts the formation and change of individuals' political …

The development of political interest among adolescents: A communication mediation approach using five waves of panel data

A Shehata, E Amnå - Communication Research, 2019 -
Political interest is one of the most important individual-level predictors of news media use,
public opinion formation, and engagement. When, how, and why some citizens develop a …

Digital media and political consumerism in the United States, United Kingdom, and France

S Boulianne, L Copeland… - new media & …, 2024 -
Digital media use can connect citizens across geographic boundaries into coordinated
action by distributing political information, enabling the formation of groups, and facilitating …

Decoding youth DNA: The relationship between social engagement and news interest, news media use and news preferences of Dutch millennials

N Drok, L Hermans, K Kats - Journalism, 2018 -
There is a growing concern in Western democracies about the decline in young people's
use of news media. Some scholars see it as a result of a diminishing interest in social issues …

Socially mediated political consumerism

S Boulianne - Information, Communication & Society, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Social media use enables information consumption and exchange as well as group ties that
can facilitate participation in boycott and buycott campaigns. Social media also provide low …

Journalism civic self-efficacy: Predicting political participation among secondary-school journalism students

PS Bobkowski, HM Rosenthal - Journalism practice, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study builds on the communication mediation model of political socialization and self-
efficacy research, and focuses on journalism civic self-efficacy, an individual's confidence in …

Актуальные концептуальные подходы к рассмотрению процесса медиапотребления онлайн-новостей молодежью

ДВ Дунас, АВ Толоконникова… - … университета. Серия 10 …, 2017 -
В статье рассматриваются актуальные концептуальные подходы к пониманию
процесса производства и потребления новостей в цифровой среде и, в первую …

Politics and prejudice: how political discussion with peers is related to attitudes about immigrants during adolescence

A Bohman, M Hjerm, MA Eger - Frontiers in Sociology, 2019 -
Research on prejudice has shown that with whom we surround ourselves matters for
intergroup attitudes, but these studies have paid little attention to the content of those …

Political socialization theory, research, and application. History and analysis of forty years of the research committee on political socialization and education of the …

H Dekker, DB German… - PCS–Politics, Culture and …, 2020 -
The Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education of the International
Political Science Association celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2019. The RC was …