[HTML][HTML] New diagnostic tools in schistosomiasis
Schistosomiasis is a water-based parasitic disease that affects over 250 million people.
Control efforts have long been in vain, which is one reason why schistosomiasis is …
Control efforts have long been in vain, which is one reason why schistosomiasis is …
Asian schistosomiasis: current status and prospects for control leading to elimination
Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease caused by helminth parasites of the genus
Schistosoma. Worldwide, an estimated 250 million people are infected with these parasites …
Schistosoma. Worldwide, an estimated 250 million people are infected with these parasites …
Circulating Anodic Antigen (CAA): a highly sensitive diagnostic biomarker to detect active Schistosoma infections—improvement and use during SCORE
The Schistosomiasis Consortium for Operational Research and Evaluation (SCORE) was
funded in 2008 to conduct research that would support country schistosomiasis control …
funded in 2008 to conduct research that would support country schistosomiasis control …
Schistosomiasis is more prevalent than previously thought: what does it mean for public health goals, policies, strategies, guidelines and intervention programs?
Map** and diagnosis of infections by the three major schistosome species (Schistosoma
haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum) has been done with assays that are known to …
haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum) has been done with assays that are known to …
[HTML][HTML] Tools for detection of schistosomiasis in resource limited settings
Schistosomiasis is a debilitating disease affecting over 200 million people, with the highest
burden of morbidity and mortality in African countries. Despite its huge impact on the health …
burden of morbidity and mortality in African countries. Despite its huge impact on the health …
[HTML][HTML] DNA diagnostics for schistosomiasis control
Despite extensive efforts over the last few decades, the global disease burden of
schistosomiasis still remains unacceptably high. This could partly be attributed to the lack of …
schistosomiasis still remains unacceptably high. This could partly be attributed to the lack of …
Efficacy of praziquantel has been maintained over four decades (from 1977 to 2018): A systematic review and meta-analysis of factors influence its efficacy
M Fukushige, M Chase-Top**… - PLoS Neglected …, 2021 - journals.plos.org
Background The antihelminthic drug praziquantel has been used as the drug of choice for
treating schistosome infection for more than 40 years. Although some epidemiological …
treating schistosome infection for more than 40 years. Although some epidemiological …
Inorganic complexes and metal-based nanomaterials for infectious disease diagnostics
Infectious diseases claim millions of lives each year. Robust and accurate diagnostics are
essential tools for identifying those who are at risk and in need of treatment in low-resource …
essential tools for identifying those who are at risk and in need of treatment in low-resource …
Schistosomiasis in non-endemic areas: Italian consensus recommendations for screening, diagnosis and management by the Italian Society of Tropical Medicine and …
Methods The objective of this document has been to develop handy and clinically relevant
recommendations on schistosomiasis screening, diagnosis and treatment useful for a broad …
recommendations on schistosomiasis screening, diagnosis and treatment useful for a broad …
Development of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) fluorescence assay for the detection of Schistosoma haematobium
Background Accurate diagnosis of urogenital schistosomiasis is vital for surveillance and
control programmes. While a number of diagnostic techniques are available there is a need …
control programmes. While a number of diagnostic techniques are available there is a need …