Chicken feather fiber reinforced composites for sustainable applications
Over the years, extensive research has been carried out to find viable alternatives for
synthetic fibres. Among the bio natural fibre composites, Chicken Feather Fiber (CFF) is …
synthetic fibres. Among the bio natural fibre composites, Chicken Feather Fiber (CFF) is …
[HTML][HTML] Tribological characterisation of graphene hybrid nanolubricants in biofuel engines
The rapid development of nanotechnology allows further enhancement of the tribological
performance of lubricants by utilizing nano-additives. This study used a four-ball tribometer …
performance of lubricants by utilizing nano-additives. This study used a four-ball tribometer …
Tribological investigations of wear resistant layers developed through EDA and WEDA techniques on Ti6Al4V surfaces: Part I–Ambient temperature
The incompetent tribological behavior of Ti6Al4V (Ti64) poses an imperative need to
develop new techniques or improve existing processes for surface characteristic …
develop new techniques or improve existing processes for surface characteristic …
[HTML][HTML] Nanostructured Al2O3/graphene additive in bio-based lubricant: A novel approach to improve engine performance
Personal and industrial use of internal combustion engines (ICEs) is projected to continue
until 2050 and beyond. Yet demands to reduce global dependence on petrochemicals and …
until 2050 and beyond. Yet demands to reduce global dependence on petrochemicals and …
Experimental investigations on the tribological performance of electric discharge alloyed Ti–6Al–4V at 200–600 C
Nowadays, the titanium alloys observe broad applicability in aerospace, marine, automobile,
and bio-medical industries due to their lightweight, bio-compatibility, good fatigue strength …
and bio-medical industries due to their lightweight, bio-compatibility, good fatigue strength …
A cost-effective approach for decontamination of used lubricant oil: enhanced recovery of base oil using different adsorbents
Lubricant oil is commonly used to reduce friction and prevent corrosion. It also protects the
metallic components of the machine from wear and tear due to continuous operation …
metallic components of the machine from wear and tear due to continuous operation …
[HTML][HTML] Tribological behaviour of graphene nanoplatelets as additive in pongamia oil
This study investigated the tribological behaviour of Pongamia oil (PO) and 15W–40 mineral
engine oil (MO) with and without the addition of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs). The friction …
engine oil (MO) with and without the addition of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs). The friction …
Tribo-behavioural transition of Ti6Al4V as a function of sliding velocity and load under dry sliding conditions
In this work, the dry sliding wear characteristics of Ti6Al4V (Ti64)–EN31 (steel) tribo-pair at
incremental sliding velocity (SV, 0.838–1.466 ms-1) and load (L, 50–100 N) conditions are …
incremental sliding velocity (SV, 0.838–1.466 ms-1) and load (L, 50–100 N) conditions are …
A study on vetiver fiber and lemongrass fiber reinforced composites
The recent awakening of environmental consciousness and resulting environmental
regulations along with unsustainable use of synthetic products have led to the search for a …
regulations along with unsustainable use of synthetic products have led to the search for a …
An experimental study on the effect of concentration of green nanoadditives on the tribological properties of the biolubricants
The paper aims to introduce a sustainable solution in the field of lubrication science. A green
nano additive, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is mixed with two biofriendly natural oils …
nano additive, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is mixed with two biofriendly natural oils …