Many-body physics with ultracold gases

I Bloch, J Dalibard, W Zwerger - Reviews of modern physics, 2008‏ - APS
This paper reviews recent experimental and theoretical progress concerning many-body
phenomena in dilute, ultracold gases. It focuses on effects beyond standard weak-coupling …

Finite-temperature models of Bose–Einstein condensation

NP Proukakis, B Jackson - … of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2008‏ -
The theoretical description of trapped weakly interacting Bose–Einstein condensates is
characterized by a large number of seemingly very different approaches which have been …

Two-dimensional Bose fluids: An atomic physics perspective

Z Hadzibabic, J Dalibard - La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 2011‏ - Springer
We give in this lecture an introduction to the physics of two-dimensional (2d) Bose gases.
We first discuss the properties of uniform, infinite 2d Bose fluids at non-zero temperature T …

Unitary gas in an isotropic harmonic trap: Symmetry properties and applications

F Werner, Y Castin - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2006‏ - APS
We consider N atoms trapped in an isotropic harmonic potential, with s-wave interactions of
infinite scattering length. In the zero-range limit, we obtain several exact analytical results …

Universal ()-body bound states in planar atomic waveguides

L Pricoupenko, P Pedri - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2010‏ - APS
Shallow heteronuclear trimers are predicted for mixtures of two atomic species strongly
trapped in a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) atomic waveguide. The binding energies are …

Mean-field expansion in Bose–Einstein condensates with finite-range interactions

R Schützhold, M Uhlmann, Y Xu… - International Journal of …, 2006‏ - World Scientific
We present a formal derivation of the mean-field expansion for dilute Bose–Einstein
condensates with two-particle interaction potentials which are weak and finite-range, but …

Bose-Fermi dualities for arbitrary one-dimensional quantum systems in the universal low-energy regime

M Valiente - Physical Review A, 2020‏ - APS
I consider general interacting systems of quantum particles in one spatial dimension. These
consist of bosons or fermions, which can have any number of components, arbitrary spin, or …

Exact scaling transform for a unitary quantum gas in a time dependent harmonic potential

Y Castin - Comptes Rendus Physique, 2004‏ - Elsevier
A unitary quantum gas is a gas of quantum particles with a binary interaction of infinite
scattering length and negligible range. It has been produced in recent experiments with …

Comparison of renormalized interactions using one-dimensional few-body systems as a testbed

F Brauneis, HW Hammer, SM Reimann, AG Volosniev - Physical Review A, 2025‏ - APS
Even though the one-dimensional contact interaction requires no regularization,
renormalization methods have been shown to improve the convergence of numerical …

Universal relations for the two-dimensional spin-1/2 Fermi gas with contact interactions

M Valiente, NT Zinner, K Mølmer - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2011‏ - APS
We present universal relations for a two-dimensional Fermi gas with pairwise contact
interactions. The derivation of these relations is made possible by obtaining the explicit form …