[HTML][HTML] A literature review of probabilistic hygrothermal assessment for building envelopes
This study presents a state-of-the-art review of the evolution of probabilistic hygrothermal
assessments of building envelopes. First, relevant literature was identified by employing a …
assessments of building envelopes. First, relevant literature was identified by employing a …
[HTML][HTML] Introducing variance-based global sensitivity analysis for uncertainty enabled operational and economic aircraft technology assessment
AA Pohya, K Wicke, T Kilian - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
Assessing the efficacy of aircraft and technologies is a crucial step in the aeronautic product
development. Due to their prospective nature, such analyses are subject to various …
development. Due to their prospective nature, such analyses are subject to various …
[HTML][HTML] Stochastic simulation of mould growth performance of wood-frame building envelopes under climate change: Risk assessment and error estimation
Previous studies have shown that the effects of climate change on building structures will
increase the mould growth risk of the wood-frame building envelope in many circumstances …
increase the mould growth risk of the wood-frame building envelope in many circumstances …
Local and global sensitivity analysis of a coupled heat and moisture transfers model: effect of the variability of cob material properties
Among earthen construction techniques, cob might be an interesting solution to mitigate
greenhouse gases emissions and energy consumption of the building industry. One main …
greenhouse gases emissions and energy consumption of the building industry. One main …
Assessment of the natural variability of cob buildings hygric and thermal properties at material scale: Influence of plants add-ons
This paper takes place in improving the energy performance assessment of cob buildings,
by evaluating the variability of its hygrothermal properties at the material scale, related to the …
by evaluating the variability of its hygrothermal properties at the material scale, related to the …
Measurement of the water vapour permeability of earth plasters using small-scale wind tunnels under variable air flow regimes
To determine the water vapour permeability of porous building materials, the wet cup and
dry cup tests are frequently performed. Those tests have shown to present high discrepancy …
dry cup tests are frequently performed. Those tests have shown to present high discrepancy …
Tragfähigkeit druckbeanspruchten Lehmmauerwerks unter Berücksichtigung nichtlinearer Feuchteprofile
M Brinkmann - 2023 - tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de
Lehmmauerwerk bietet sich auf Grund einer Vielzahl ökologischer und bauphysikalischer
Vorteile zur Errichtung klimafreundlicher und ressourcenschonender Gebäude an. Für den …
Vorteile zur Errichtung klimafreundlicher und ressourcenschonender Gebäude an. Für den …
The impact of interior insulation on the hygrothermal performance of rammed earth walls
M Indekeu - 2023 - theses.hal.science
The thermal renovation of rammed earth constructions presents a challenge in the current
evolution towards energy efficient buildings. To preserve the character of the building …
evolution towards energy efficient buildings. To preserve the character of the building …
Hygrothermal behavior of a rammed earth wall subjected to realistic conditions: investigation of the most influential parameters
Researches on earthen materials have increased over the last few decades. While a lot
researches focus on measuring the hygrothermal properties at material scale, few studies …
researches focus on measuring the hygrothermal properties at material scale, few studies …