Intelligent computing: the latest advances, challenges, and future

S Zhu, T Yu, T Xu, H Chen, S Dustdar, S Gigan… - Intelligent …, 2023 -
Computing is a critical driving force in the development of human civilization. In recent years,
we have witnessed the emergence of intelligent computing, a new computing paradigm that …

[PDF][PDF] Introduction to fuzzy systems

R Czabanski, M Jezewski, J Leski - Theory and applications of …, 2017 -
The following chapter describes the basic concepts of fuzzy systems and approximate
reasoning. The study focuses mainly on fuzzy models based on Zadeh's compositional rule …

Solving the problem of incomplete data in medical diagnosis via interval modeling

A Wójtowicz, P Żywica, A Stachowiak… - Applied Soft …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents an approach to making accurate and high-quality decisions under
incomplete information. Our comprehensive approach includes interval modeling of …

Intelligent medical decision support system based on imperfect information

K Dyczkowski - Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer, Cham …, 2018 - Springer
This monograph is the result of scientific research conducted between 2012 and 2016 by an
interdisciplinary team of scientists from the Department of Imprecise Information Processing …

A Cellular Automata‐Based Simulation Tool for Real Fire Accident Prevention

JM Czerniak, H Zarzycki, Ł Apiecionek… - Mathematical …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Many serious real‐life problems could be simulated using cellular automata theory. There
were a lot of fires in public places which kill many people. Proposed method, called Cellular …

Application of interval-valued aggregation to optimization problem of k− NN classifiers for missing values case

U Bentkowska, JG Bazan, W Rząsa, L Zarȩba - Information Sciences, 2019 - Elsevier
In this contribution we consider methods for improving the quality of classification by the k
nearest neighborhood classifiers in the case of large number of missing values. The …

Influence of new interval-valued pre-aggregation function on medical decision making

P Drygaś, B Pękala, K Balicki… - 2020 IEEE International …, 2020 -
In this contribution the new concept of the operator in the interval-valued fuzzy sets, which is
a pre-aggregation function, and their application in medical diagnosis is presented. Taking …

Development of a fuzzy-driven system for ovarian tumor diagnosis

P Żywica, K Dyczkowski, A Wójtowicz… - Biocybernetics and …, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper we present OvaExpert, an intelligent system for ovarian tumor diagnosis. We
give an overview of its features and main design assumptions. As a theoretical framework …

Diverse classes of interval-valued aggregation functions in medical diagnosis support

U Bentkowska, B Pȩkala - … on Information Processing and Management of …, 2018 - Springer
In this contribution results connected with using new types of aggregation functions in
medical diagnosis support are presented. These aggregation functions belong to the …

Parameterized pre-aggregation function with interval values in medical decisions making

K Balicki, P Drygaś - … on Information Processing and Management of …, 2022 - Springer
In this contribution the concept of parameterized operator in the interval-valued fuzzy sets,
which is a pre-aggregation function, and their application in medical diagnosis is presented …