Nonlinear multivariate analysis of neurophysiological signals

E Pereda, RQ Quiroga, J Bhattacharya - Progress in neurobiology, 2005‏ - Elsevier
Multivariate time series analysis is extensively used in neurophysiology with the aim of
studying the relationship between simultaneously recorded signals. Recently, advances on …

[ספר][B] Methods for neural ensemble recordings

MAL Nicolelis - 1998‏ -
Neuroscientists have long recognized the importance of understanding the underlying
principles of information processing by large populations of neurons. Methods for Neural …

Speaker gaze increases information coupling between infant and adult brains

V Leong, E Byrne, K Clackson, S Georgieva… - Proceedings of the …, 2017‏ -
When infants and adults communicate, they exchange social signals of availability and
communicative intention such as eye gaze. Previous research indicates that when …

Partial directed coherence: a new concept in neural structure determination

LA Baccalá, K Sameshima - Biological cybernetics, 2001‏ - Springer
This paper introduces a new frequency-domain approach to describe the relationships
(direction of information flow) between multivariate time series based on the decomposition …

A new method of the description of the information flow in the brain structures

MJ Kaminski, KJ Blinowska - Biological cybernetics, 1991‏ - Springer
The paper describes the method of determining direction and frequency content of the brain
activity flow. The method was formulated in the framework of the AR model. The transfer …

Estimating structured high-dimensional covariance and precision matrices: Optimal rates and adaptive estimation

TT Cai, Z Ren, HH Zhou - 2016‏ -
This is an expository paper that reviews recent developments on optimal estimation of
structured high-dimensional covariance and precision matrices. Minimax rates of …

Short-window spectral analysis of cortical event-related potentials by adaptive multivariate autoregressive modeling: data preprocessing, model validation, and …

M Ding, SL Bressler, W Yang, H Liang - Biological cybernetics, 2000‏ - Springer
In this article we consider the application of parametric spectral analysis to multichannel
event-related potentials (ERPs) during cognitive experiments. We show that with proper data …

Multivariate autoregressive models for classification of spontaneous electroencephalographic signals during mental tasks

CW Anderson, EA Stolz… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1998‏ -
This article explores the use of scalar and multivariate autoregressive (AR) models to extract
features from the human electroencephalogram (EEG) with which mental tasks can be …

Determination of information flow direction among brain structures by a modified directed transfer function (dDTF) method

A Korzeniewska, M Mańczak, M Kamiński… - Journal of neuroscience …, 2003‏ - Elsevier
A modification of directed transfer function—direct DTF—is proposed for the analysis of
direct information transfer among brain structures on the basis of local field potentials (LFP) …

Comparison of different cortical connectivity estimators for high‐resolution EEG recordings

L Astolfi, F Cincotti, D Mattia, MG Marciani… - Human brain …, 2007‏ - Wiley Online Library
The aim of this work is to characterize quantitatively the performance of a body of techniques
in the frequency domain for the estimation of cortical connectivity from high‐resolution EEG …