Histological methods in the assessment of different feed effects on liver and intestine of fish

B Rašković, M Stanković, Z Marković… - Journal of Agricultural …, 2011 - aspace.agrif.bg.ac.rs
This manuscript describes the importance of using histological methods to assess the effects
of feed on the liver and intestine of fish. Due to the constantly increasing world production of …

Development of captive breeding techniques for marine ornamental fish: a review

JA Moorhead, C Zeng - Reviews in Fisheries Science, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The increasingly popular aquarium hobby is fueling the rapid growth of the aquatic
ornamental industry, particularly the trade of marine ornamental species. However, currently …

Temperature influences swimming speed, growth and larval duration in coral reef fish larvae

BS Green, R Fisher - Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, 2004 - Elsevier
The effects of temperature on growth, pelagic larval duration (PLD) and maximum swimming
speed were compared in the tropical fish marine species Amphiprion melanopus, to …

[КНИГА][B] Coral reef fishes: dynamics and diversity in a complex ecosystem

PF Sale - 2002 - books.google.com
Coral Reef Fishes is the successor of The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs. This new
edition includes provocative reviews covering the major areas of reef fish ecology. Concerns …

Ontogeny and physiology of the digestive system of marine fish larvae

JL Zambonino-Infante, E Gisbert… - … functions of fishes, 2008 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The ontogeny of the digestive tract of marine fish larvae has been the subject of numerous
studies in the previous two decades. Beyond the scientific interest for such animal species …

Feeding history influences otolith shape in tropical fish

M Gagliano, MI McCormick - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2004 - int-res.com
The influence of feeding history on otolith shape and symmetry was examined in juveniles of
2 species of coral reef fish, Amphiprion akindynos and Pomacentrus amboinensis. Fast …

Sublethal effects of coral bleaching on an obligate coral feeding butterflyfish

MS Pratchett, SK Wilson, ML Berumen, MI McCormick - Coral Reefs, 2004 - Springer
Methods This study was conducted at Trunk Reef (18 17′ S, 146 53′ E), in the central
section of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. All sampling was conducted on the shallow reef …

Nutritional cellular biomarkers in early life stages of fish

E Gisbert, JB Ortiz-Delgado… - Histology and …, 2008 - digitum.um.es
Histological (tissular and cellular) indices have a tradition of determining the nutritional
condition of fish both in the laboratory and in the wild. The assessment of condition by …

Maternal and paternal effects determine size, growth and performance in larvae of a tropical reef fish

BS Green, MI McCormick - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2005 - int-res.com
Larval mortality in marine fishes is strongly linked to individual life history traits such as size
and growth, but the processes that influence variability in these traits are poorly understood …

Within-reef differences in diet and body condition of coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae)

ML Berumen, MS Pratchett, MI McCormick - Marine Ecology Progress …, 2005 - int-res.com
Given the highly stochastic nature of larval supply, coral reef fishes often settle in sub-
optimal habitats with limited access to prey or other resources. Variation in the availability …