Understanding image memorability

NC Rust, V Mehrpour - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2020 - cell.com
Why are some images easier to remember than others? Here, we review recent
developments in our understanding of 'image memorability', including its behavioral …

Representational formats of human memory traces

R Heinen, A Bierbrauer, OT Wolf… - Brain Structure and …, 2024 - Springer
Neural representations are internal brain states that constitute the brain's model of the
external world or some of its features. In the presence of sensory input, a representation may …

The features underlying the memorability of objects

MA Kramer, MN Hebart, CI Baker, WA Bainbridge - Science advances, 2023 - science.org
What makes certain images more memorable than others? While much of memory research
has focused on participant effects, recent studies using a stimulus-centric perspective have …

Modeling short visual events through the BOLD moments video fMRI dataset and metadata

B Lahner, K Dwivedi, P Iamshchinina… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Studying the neural basis of human dynamic visual perception requires extensive
experimental data to evaluate the large swathes of functionally diverse brain neural …

Embracing new techniques in deep learning for estimating image memorability

CD Needell, WA Bainbridge - Computational Brain & Behavior, 2022 - Springer
Various works have suggested that the memorability of an image is consistent across
people, and thus can be treated as an intrinsic property of an image. Using computer vision …

Memorability of words in arbitrary verbal associations modulates memory retrieval in the anterior temporal lobe

W **e, WA Bainbridge, SK Inati, CI Baker… - Nature human …, 2020 - nature.com
Despite large individual differences in memory performance, people remember certain
stimuli with overwhelming consistency. This phenomenon is referred to as the memorability …

The resiliency of image memorability: A predictor of memory separate from attention and priming

WA Bainbridge - Neuropsychologia, 2020 - Elsevier
Recent work has demonstrated there is a power within images to impact our later memories—
an intrinsic stimulus memorability that influences memory behavior consistently across …

Multidimensional memory topography in the medial parietal cortex identified from neuroimaging of thousands of daily memory videos

WA Bainbridge, CI Baker - Nature Communications, 2022 - nature.com
Our memories form a tapestry of events, people, and places, woven across the decades of
our lives. However, research has often been limited in assessing the nature of episodic …

VisRecall++: Analysing and predicting visualisation recallability from gaze behaviour

Y Wang, Y Jiang, Z Hu, C Ruhdorfer, M Bâce… - Proceedings of the …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
Question answering has recently been proposed as a promising means to assess the
recallability of information visualisations. However, prior works are yet to study the link …