Transport model comparison studies of intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
Transport models are the main method to obtain physics information on the nuclear equation
of state and in-medium properties of particles from low to relativistic-energy heavy-ion …
of state and in-medium properties of particles from low to relativistic-energy heavy-ion …
Statistical multifragmentation of nuclei
This review is devoted to the Statistical Multifragmentation Model (SMFM) developed in
Copenhagen more than 10 years ago and widely used now for interpreting experimental …
Copenhagen more than 10 years ago and widely used now for interpreting experimental …
The iEBE-VISHNU code package for relativistic heavy-ion collisions
The iEBE-VISHNU code package performs event-by-event simulations for relativistic heavy-
ion collisions using a hybrid approach based on (2+ 1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamics …
ion collisions using a hybrid approach based on (2+ 1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamics …
hi**g: A Monte Carlo model for multiple jet production in , , and collisions
Combining perturbative-QCD inspired models for multiple jet production with low p T
multistring phenomenology, we develop a Monte Carlo event generator hi**g to study jet …
multistring phenomenology, we develop a Monte Carlo event generator hi**g to study jet …
Modelling the many-body dynamics of heavy ion collisions: Present status and future perspective
Basic problems of the semiclassical microscopic modelling of strongly interacting systems
are discussed within the framework of Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD). This model …
are discussed within the framework of Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD). This model …
Hadronic and electromagnetic probes of hot and dense nuclear matter
We review the constraints imposed by the spontaneously broken chiral symmetry of the QCD
vacuum on the hadron properties at finite temperature T and baryon density ρB. A …
vacuum on the hadron properties at finite temperature T and baryon density ρB. A …
Production of energetic particles in heavy-ion collisions
The investigation of hot and compressed nuclear matter by means of heavy-ion collisions
requires the development of probes that are sensitive to the time evolution of the nuclear …
requires the development of probes that are sensitive to the time evolution of the nuclear …
Fermionic molecular dynamics
A new type of molecular dynamics is proposed to solve approximately the many-body
problem of interacting identical fermions with spin 1 2. The interacting system is represented …
problem of interacting identical fermions with spin 1 2. The interacting system is represented …
Parton-hadron-quantum-molecular dynamics: A novel microscopic -body transport approach for heavy-ion collisions, dynamical cluster formation, and hypernuclei …
Cluster and hypernuclei production in heavy-ion collisions is presently under active
experimental and theoretical investigation. Since clusters are weekly bound objects, their …
experimental and theoretical investigation. Since clusters are weekly bound objects, their …
Energy levels of light nuclei, A= 20
Compilation of energy levels of A= 20 nuclei, with emphasis on the review of material
leading to information about the structure of the A= 20 systems.
leading to information about the structure of the A= 20 systems.