Independent ENSO and IOD impacts on rainfall extremes over Indonesia
Abstract Using Generalized Extreme Value analysis, this study details the independent
seasonal impacts of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole …
seasonal impacts of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole …
International environmental conflict management in transboundary river basins
Despite signing a bilateral water treaty in 1973, water utilization in the Hirmand River Basin
(HRB) has been a source of dispute between Iran and Afghanistan for many decades. While …
(HRB) has been a source of dispute between Iran and Afghanistan for many decades. While …
[HTML][HTML] Satellite-derived rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning in Bogowonto Catchment, Central Java, Indonesia
Satellite rainfall products for landslide early warning prediction have been spotlighted by
several researchers, in the last couple of decades. This study investigates the use of TRMM …
several researchers, in the last couple of decades. This study investigates the use of TRMM …
A review of APHRODITE performance in Asia: Current Status and research Concerns
Abstract Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards
Evaluation (APHRODITE) is extensively utilized for climatological analysis, hydrological …
Evaluation (APHRODITE) is extensively utilized for climatological analysis, hydrological …
[HTML][HTML] Observed trends and changes in temperature and precipitation extreme indices over Myanmar
KK Sein, A Chidthaisong, KL Oo - Atmosphere, 2018 - mdpi.com
Projected increase in frequency and severity of extreme events are important threat brought
by climate change. Thus, there is a need to understand the dynamics and magnitude of …
by climate change. Thus, there is a need to understand the dynamics and magnitude of …
Identifying drought-and flood-prone areas based on significant changes in daily precipitation over Iran
Variations in frequency and intensity of extreme events have substantial impact on water
resources and environment, which in turn are reflected on agriculture, society, and economy …
resources and environment, which in turn are reflected on agriculture, society, and economy …
[HTML][HTML] Projected mean and extreme precipitation based on bias-corrected simulation outputs of CORDEX Southeast Asia
Simulations of seven regional climate models (RCMs) from CORDEX-SEA were bias-
corrected using the quantile map** (QM) method to examine the possible ranges of future …
corrected using the quantile map** (QM) method to examine the possible ranges of future …
[HTML][HTML] Extreme precipitation indices trend assessment over the Upper Oueme River Valley-(Benin)
A Attogouinon, AE Lawin, Y N'Tcha M'Po, R Houngue - Hydrology, 2017 - mdpi.com
This study analyzed trends in extreme precipitation based on daily rainfall data provided by
Bénin Méteo Agency for the Upper Ouémé valley in Benin over the period 1951–2014 …
Bénin Méteo Agency for the Upper Ouémé valley in Benin over the period 1951–2014 …
[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing for development of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency curves at ungauged locations of Yangon, Myanmar
This study aims to develop the intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves for Yangon, the
economic center of Myanmar, using four satellite precipitation datasets, namely GPM …
economic center of Myanmar, using four satellite precipitation datasets, namely GPM …
Spatio-temporal changes in daily extreme precipitation for the Lancang–Mekong River Basin
Q Li, T Zeng, Q Chen, X Han, X Weng, P He, Z Zhou… - Natural Hazards, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Lancang–Mekong River Basin (LMRB) is one of the river basins most prone to
floods and droughts induced by extreme precipitation (EP). Therefore, it is of great …
floods and droughts induced by extreme precipitation (EP). Therefore, it is of great …