[KNYGA][B] Encyclopedia of caves and karst science
J Gunn - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
The Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science contains 350 alphabetically arranged entries.
The topics include cave and karst geoscience, cave archaeology and human use of caves …
The topics include cave and karst geoscience, cave archaeology and human use of caves …
Habitat selection of cave-restricted fauna in a new hotspot of subterranean biodiversity in Neotropics
M Souza-Silva, RFV Cerqueira, TG Pellegrini… - Biodiversity and …, 2021 - Springer
Environmental stability and oligotrophy are considered the main drivers of species
distribution within caves due to physiological and nutritional requirements presented by …
distribution within caves due to physiological and nutritional requirements presented by …
The conduit-seal system of hypogene karst in Neoproterozoic carbonates in northeastern Brazil
Karst processes are of primary importance for the generation of secondary porosity and
permeability in carbonate reservoirs and aquifers. The topic investigated in this study are the …
permeability in carbonate reservoirs and aquifers. The topic investigated in this study are the …
Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) from brazilian caves
To date, six species of terrestrial isopods were known from Brazilian caves, but only four
could be classified as troglobites. This article deals with material of Oniscidea collected in …
could be classified as troglobites. This article deals with material of Oniscidea collected in …
Cave conservation priority index to adopt a rapid protection strategy: a case study in Brazilian Atlantic rain forest
Cave environments are characterized by possessing specialized fauna living in high
environmental stability with limited food conditions. These fauna are highly vulnerable to …
environmental stability with limited food conditions. These fauna are highly vulnerable to …
Shedding light into Brazilian subterranean isopods (Isopoda, Oniscidea): expanding distribution data and describing new taxa
Fourteen species of terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) from Brazilian karstic regions are
described as new, ie, Novamundoniscus mandacaru Campos-Filho, Araujo & Bichuette, n …
described as new, ie, Novamundoniscus mandacaru Campos-Filho, Araujo & Bichuette, n …
[PDF][PDF] Morcegos cavernícolas do Brasil: novos registros e desafios para conservação
MM Guimarães, RL Ferreira - Revista Brasileira …, 2015 - treinamentoava.icmbio.gov.br
Os morcegos são essenciais à sobrevivência de muitos ecossistemas subterrâneos e, em
contra partida, as cavidades naturais subterrâneas representam abrigos vitais para …
contra partida, as cavidades naturais subterrâneas representam abrigos vitais para …
[PDF][PDF] Introdução à espeleologia
LB PILÓ, A AULER - Curso de Espeleologia e Licenciamento …, 2011 - researchgate.net
As paisagens cársticas são caracterizadas pela presença de cavernas, rios subterrâneos,
minerais raros, fauna singular, como também pela ocorrência frequente de sítios …
minerais raros, fauna singular, como também pela ocorrência frequente de sítios …
Fauna subterrânea do estado do Rio Grande do Norte: caracterização e impactos
Estudos referentes à fauna das cavernas do nordeste brasileiro ainda são escassos. Boa
parte do conhecimento acerca da fauna hipógea brasileira provém de estudos realizados …
parte do conhecimento acerca da fauna hipógea brasileira provém de estudos realizados …
[PDF][PDF] Chaimowiczia: a new Iuiuniscinae genus from Brazil (Oniscidea, Synocheta, Styloniscidae) with the description of two new troglobitic species
GM Cardoso, R Bastos-Pereira, LA Souza… - Subterranean …, 2021 - subtbiol.pensoft.net
A new genus of Styloniscidae, Chaimowiczia gen. nov., is described with two new species:
Chaimowiczia tatus sp. nov. from Gruta do Padre cave (Santana, Bahia) and Chaimowiczia …
Chaimowiczia tatus sp. nov. from Gruta do Padre cave (Santana, Bahia) and Chaimowiczia …