Quantum biology revisited
Photosynthesis is a highly optimized process from which valuable lessons can be learned
about the operating principles in nature. Its primary steps involve energy transport operating …
about the operating principles in nature. Its primary steps involve energy transport operating …
Exciton transport in molecular aggregates–from natural antennas to synthetic chromophore systems
T Brixner, R Hildner, J Köhler… - Advanced Energy …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The transport of excitation energy in molecular aggregates is of crucial importance for the
function of organic optoelectronic devices and next‐generation solar cells. First, this review …
function of organic optoelectronic devices and next‐generation solar cells. First, this review …
[HTML][HTML] Photosynthetic light-harvesting (antenna) complexes—structures and functions
H Lokstein, G Renger, JP Götze - Molecules, 2021 - mdpi.com
Chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls, together with carotenoids, serve, noncovalently
bound to specific apoproteins, as principal light-harvesting and energy-transforming …
bound to specific apoproteins, as principal light-harvesting and energy-transforming …
In situ map** of the energy flow through the entire photosynthetic apparatus
Absorption of sunlight is the first step in photosynthesis, which provides energy for the vast
majority of organisms on Earth. The primary processes of photosynthesis have been studied …
majority of organisms on Earth. The primary processes of photosynthesis have been studied …
[HTML][HTML] Ultrafast laser spectroscopy uncovers mechanisms of light energy conversion in photosynthesis and sustainable energy materials
The invention of the laser in 1960 gave us the ruby laser, which generally produced chaotic
pulses of light. Six years later, in 1966, a concept called passive mode-locking applied to …
pulses of light. Six years later, in 1966, a concept called passive mode-locking applied to …
Broadband 2D electronic spectrometer using white light and pulse sha**: noise and signal evaluation at 1 and 100 kHz
We have developed a broad bandwidth two-dimensional electronic spectrometer that
operates shot-to-shot at repetition rates up to 100 kHz using an acousto-optic pulse shaper …
operates shot-to-shot at repetition rates up to 100 kHz using an acousto-optic pulse shaper …
[HTML][HTML] Map** energy transfer channels in fucoxanthin–chlorophyll protein complex
Fucoxanthin–chlorophyll protein (FCP) is the key molecular complex performing the light-
harvesting function in diatoms, which, being a major group of algae, are responsible for up …
harvesting function in diatoms, which, being a major group of algae, are responsible for up …
Photon Energy-Dependent Ultrafast Exciton Transfer in Chlorosomes of Chlorobium tepidum and the Role of Supramolecular Dynamics
The antenna complex of green sulfur bacteria, the chlorosome, is one of the most efficient
supramolecular systems for efficient long-range exciton transfer in nature. Femtosecond …
supramolecular systems for efficient long-range exciton transfer in nature. Femtosecond …
Two-Dimensional Electronic-Vibrational Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll a and b
We present two-dimensional electronic-vibrational (2DEV) spectra of isolated chlorophyll a
and b in deuterated ethanol. We excite the Q-band electronic transitions and measure the …
and b in deuterated ethanol. We excite the Q-band electronic transitions and measure the …
Discrimination of diverse coherences allows identification of electronic transitions of a molecular nanoring
V Butkus, J Alster, E Bašinskaitė… - The Journal of …, 2017 - ACS Publications
The role of quantum coherence in photochemical functions of molecular systems such as
photosynthetic complexes is a broadly debated topic. Coexistence and intermixing of …
photosynthetic complexes is a broadly debated topic. Coexistence and intermixing of …