Molecular and morphological diversity, qualitative chemical profile and antioxidant activity of filamentous fungi of the digestive tract of Phylloicus sp. (Trichoptera …
This study aimed to identify by molecular analysis, morphology, chemistry and antioxidant
extracts of filamentous fungi isolated from the digestive tract of Phylloicus sp, an aquatic …
extracts of filamentous fungi isolated from the digestive tract of Phylloicus sp, an aquatic …
Glomalin and Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems
The fungi in Glomeromycota are mutualistic symbionts of plant roots and produce a special
glycoprotein called “glomalin” on their spores and mycelium cell wall. The glomalin enters …
glycoprotein called “glomalin” on their spores and mycelium cell wall. The glomalin enters …