Assessing the Effects of Water Deficit on Photosynthesis Using Parameters Derived from Measurements of Leaf Gas Exchange and of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence
Water deficit (WD) is expected to increase in intensity, frequency and duration in many parts
of the world as a consequence of global change, with potential negative effects on plant gas …
of the world as a consequence of global change, with potential negative effects on plant gas …
Abiotic stresses: insight into gene regulation and protein expression in photosynthetic pathways of plants
Global warming and climate change intensified the occurrence and severity of abiotic
stresses that seriously affect the growth and development of plants, especially, plant …
stresses that seriously affect the growth and development of plants, especially, plant …
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) protects photosynthetic apparatus of wheat under drought stress
Drought stress (DS) is amongst one of the abiotic factors affecting plant growth by limiting
productivity of crops by inhibiting photosynthesis. Damage due to DS and its protection by …
productivity of crops by inhibiting photosynthesis. Damage due to DS and its protection by …
Foliar application of nanoparticles mitigates the chilling effect on photosynthesis and photoprotection in sugarcane
Chilling is one of the main abiotic stresses that adversely affect the productivity of
sugarcane, in marginal tropical regions where chilling incidence occurs with seasonal …
sugarcane, in marginal tropical regions where chilling incidence occurs with seasonal …
Photosynthetic electron transport and specific photoprotective responses in wheat leaves under drought stress
The photosynthetic responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves to different levels of
drought stress were analyzed in potted plants cultivated in growth chamber under moderate …
drought stress were analyzed in potted plants cultivated in growth chamber under moderate …
Improving plant growth and alleviating photosynthetic inhibition and oxidative stress from low-light stress with exogenous GR24 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) …
Low light (LL) is one of the main limiting factors that negatively affect tomato growth and
yield. Techniques of chemical regulation are effective horticultural methods to improve stress …
yield. Techniques of chemical regulation are effective horticultural methods to improve stress …
Sub-high Temperature and High Light Intensity Induced Irreversible Inhibition on Photosynthesis System of Tomato Plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
T Lu, Z Meng, G Zhang, M Qi, Z Sun, Y Liu… - Frontiers in plant …, 2017 - frontiersin.org
High temperature and high light intensity is a common environment posing a great risk to
organisms. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of sub-high temperature and high light …
organisms. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of sub-high temperature and high light …
Structure of the chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex: nomenclature for nuclear-encoded subunits
The chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex (NDH) was first discovered based on its
similarity to complex I in respiratory electron transport, and is involved in electron transport …
similarity to complex I in respiratory electron transport, and is involved in electron transport …
Photosynthetic responses of Oryza sativa L. seedlings to cadmium stress: physiological, biochemical and ultrastructural analyses
Y Wang, X Jiang, K Li, M Wu, R Zhang, L Zhang… - Biometals, 2014 - Springer
In the present study, photosynthetic responses induced by cadmium stress in chlorophyll
biosynthesis, photochemical activities, the stability of thylakoid membranes chlorophyll …
biosynthesis, photochemical activities, the stability of thylakoid membranes chlorophyll …
Cyclophilin 37 maintains electron transport via the cytochrome b6/f complex under high light in Arabidopsis
Plants have evolved multiple mechanisms to cope with diverse types of light stress,
particularly the regulation of the electron transport chain (ETC). Under high light (HL) …
particularly the regulation of the electron transport chain (ETC). Under high light (HL) …