10Be exposure ages and paleoenvironmental significance of rock glaciers in the Western Tatra Mts., Western Carpathians
Relict rock glaciers are well-preserved features of high-elevated valleys in the Western Tatra
Mts., Western Carpathians, but their chronology remained poorly constrained with numerical …
Mts., Western Carpathians, but their chronology remained poorly constrained with numerical …
Tatra Mountains—the only high-mountain landscape in Poland
Abstract The Tatra Mountains represent the only high-mountain range in Poland, with a
typical alpine landscape shaped by Pleistocene glaciers. They stand out as the highest …
typical alpine landscape shaped by Pleistocene glaciers. They stand out as the highest …
Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania
Reconstructing the extent, style, timing and drivers of past mountain glaciation is crucial in
both understanding past atmospheric circulation and predicting future climate change …
both understanding past atmospheric circulation and predicting future climate change …