Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO)–that is risk-taking, proactiveness and innovativeness–and
Porter's generic competitive strategies have become core constructs within entrepreneurship …
Porter's generic competitive strategies have become core constructs within entrepreneurship …
Innovation and public procurement: Terminology, concepts, and applications
The growing awareness of public procurement as an innovation policy tool has recently
sparked the interest of both policy makers and researchers. While an increasing number of …
sparked the interest of both policy makers and researchers. While an increasing number of …
Small-and medium-sized enterprises and public procurement: A review of the UK coalition government's policies and their impact
K Loader - Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2018 -
This paper examines the public procurement policy towards small-and medium-sized
enterprises adopted by the UK coalition government during its five-year term of office from …
enterprises adopted by the UK coalition government during its five-year term of office from …
The implications of international entrepreneurial orientation, politicization, and hostility upon SME international performance
This article investigates the relationship between international entrepreneurial orientation
(IEO) and international performance taking into account the moderating effects of …
(IEO) and international performance taking into account the moderating effects of …
How external stakeholders drive the green public procurement practice? An organizational learning perspective
Purpose This study aims to uncover the black box of the influence mechanism between
external stakeholder drivers and green public procurement practice, and meanwhile to …
external stakeholder drivers and green public procurement practice, and meanwhile to …
Dynamic capabilities for SME participation in public procurement
TO Akenroye, JD Owens, J Elbaz… - Business Process …, 2020 -
Purpose Although small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play major roles in most
economies in terms of job creation, innovation and contribution to national income, they are …
economies in terms of job creation, innovation and contribution to national income, they are …
Should SMEs pursue public procurement to improve innovative performance?
While public procurement is an efficient demand-side policy instrument, resource constraints
impede small and medium-sized enterprises from accessing innovation procurement …
impede small and medium-sized enterprises from accessing innovation procurement …
The impacts of entrepreneurial orientation on the profitability growth of construction firms in Tanzania
FP Okangi - Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 2019 - Springer
Literature considers entrepreneurship as an important catalyst in the process of improving
firm performance and growth. This study analyzes the impacts of entrepreneurial orientation …
firm performance and growth. This study analyzes the impacts of entrepreneurial orientation …
Participation of women-owned SMEs in public procurement: the role of entrepreneurial orientation and knowledge management orientation
B Tukamuhabwa, S Namagembe - Journal of Public Procurement, 2023 -
Purpose This study aims to examine the influence of entrepreneurial orientation and
knowledge management orientation on participation of women-owned small and medium …
knowledge management orientation on participation of women-owned small and medium …
Reconciling conflicting policy objectives in public contracting: The enabling role of capabilities
S Cabral - Journal of Management Studies, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This paper analyses how capabilities can reconcile conflicting objectives in policy driven
public contracting. Results obtained from a quasi‐experiment involving a policy intervention …
public contracting. Results obtained from a quasi‐experiment involving a policy intervention …