Damage constitutive model of brittle rock under uniaxial compression based on linear energy dissipation law

F Gong, P Zhang, L Xu - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Considering the linear energy dissipation law under uniaxial compression, a damage
characterization of rocks including the compression energy dissipation coefficient is …

A study of uniaxial compressive strength degradation model of soil-rock mixtures under freeze-thaw deterioration based on equivalent model characteristics of …

G Tian, H Deng, B Zhao, T Liu, Z Jiang, S Yu - Construction and Building …, 2024 - Elsevier
To further enhance our understanding of the microstructure of SRM and its intrinsic
relationship with macroscopic properties, this paper conducted indoor freeze-thaw cycles …

A shear constitutive model and experimental demonstration considering dual void portion and solid skeleton portion of rock

J **n, Q Jiang, Q Liu, H Zheng, S Li - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023 - Elsevier
Shear deformation and break is a typical failure phenomenon of engineering rock. Building
a constitutive model for rock shearing behaviors is a key issue in stability assessment of …

Predicting the failure of different rocks subjected to freeze-thaw weathering using critical slowing down theory on acoustic emission characteristics

Z Zhou, B Ullah, Y Rui, X Cai, J Lu - Engineering Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Freeze-thaw weathering effectively deteriorates the physical and mechanical properties of
rocks and seriously threatens the stability of engineering projects in cold regions. This study …

Damage constitutive prediction model for rock under freeze–thaw cycles based on mesoscopic damage definition

X Meng, H Zhang, C Yuan, Y Li, X Liu, S Chen… - Engineering Fracture …, 2023 - Elsevier
Predicting deformation and failure of rock is vital to ensure the safety of engineering in cold
regions. The existing constitutive models were established based on specific freeze–thaw …

Experimental and numerical study on fracture characteristics and constitutive model of sandstone under freeze-thaw-fatigue

Z Shi, J Li, J Wang, J Chen, H Lin, P Cao - International Journal of Fatigue, 2023 - Elsevier
The present paper proposes a whole-process constitutive model of rock mass under freeze-
thaw-fatigue based on the Drucker-Prager criterion and the Lemaitre strain equivalence …

Study of building stones durability against the freeze-thaw process: Current methods and recommendations for the future

A Jamshidi - Journal of Building Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Durability is a key parameter in evaluating the quality of a building stone for use in cold
regions. Ignoring this parameter before choosing a building stone may lead to its …

Energy evolution and fracture behavior of sandstone under the coupling action of freeze–thaw cycles and fatigue load

Z Shi, J Li, J Wang - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023 - Springer
A series of freeze–thaw (F–T) cycle and multilevel fatigue loading tests are carried out on
sandstone samples to explore rock mass's fracture behavior and energy evolution …

Mechanical properties investigation and damage constitutive models of red sandstone subjected to freeze-thaw cycles

W Jiang, Y Lai, F Yu, Q Ma, H Jiang - Cold Regions Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The mechanical properties of rock can be degraded by long-term freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs).
However, the damage constitutive model of rock subjected to FTCs for simulating the whole …

Investigation of the constitutive damage model of rock under the coupled effect of freeze–thaw cycles and loading

Y Zheng, C Jia, M Lei, J Huang, C Shi - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2024 - Springer
Understanding the mechanism of disasters and designing protection systems for cold region
tunnels require a fundamental analysis of the constitutive model of rock under freeze–thaw …