Anomalous transport from hot quasiparticles in interacting spin chains

S Gopalakrishnan, R Vasseur - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2023 -
Many experimentally relevant quantum spin chains are approximately integrable, and
support long-lived quasiparticle excitations. A canonical example of integrable model of …

Microscopic origin of the quantum Mpemba effect in integrable systems

C Rylands, K Klobas, F Ares, P Calabrese… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
The highly complicated nature of far from equilibrium systems can lead to a complete
breakdown of the physical intuition developed in equilibrium. A famous example of this is the …

Nonequilibrium full counting statistics and symmetry-resolved entanglement from space-time duality

B Bertini, P Calabrese, M Collura, K Klobas… - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Owing to its probabilistic nature, a measurement process in quantum mechanics produces a
distribution of possible outcomes. This distribution—or its Fourier transform known as full …

Dynamics of charge fluctuations from asymmetric initial states

B Bertini, K Klobas, M Collura, P Calabrese, C Rylands - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Conserved-charge densities are very special observables in quantum many-body systems
as, by construction, they encode information about the dynamics. Therefore, their evolution …

Dynamical purification and the emergence of quantum state designs from the projected ensemble

M Ippoliti, WW Ho - PRX Quantum, 2023 - APS
Quantum thermalization in a many-body system is defined by the approach of local
subsystems toward a universal form, describable as an ensemble of quantum states wherein …

Solvable model of deep thermalization with distinct design times

M Ippoliti, WW Ho - Quantum, 2022 -
We study the emergence over time of a universal, uniform distribution of quantum states
supported on a finite subsystem, induced by projectively measuring the rest of the system …

Growth of Rényi entropies in interacting integrable models and the breakdown of the quasiparticle picture

B Bertini, K Klobas, V Alba, G Lagnese, P Calabrese - Physical Review X, 2022 - APS
Rényi entropies are conceptually valuable and experimentally relevant generalizations of
the celebrated von Neumann entanglement entropy. After a quantum quench in a clean …

Integrable spin chains and cellular automata with medium-range interaction

T Gombor, B Pozsgay - Physical Review E, 2021 - APS
We study integrable spin chains and quantum and classical cellular automata with
interaction range ℓ≥ 3. This is a family of integrable models for which there was no general …

Integrable spin chain with Hilbert space fragmentation and solvable real-time dynamics

B Pozsgay, T Gombor, A Hutsalyuk, Y Jiang, L Pristyák… - Physical Review E, 2021 - APS
We revisit the so-called folded XXZ model, which was treated earlier by two independent
research groups. We argue that this spin-1/2 chain is one of the simplest quantum integrable …

Entanglement negativity and mutual information after a quantum quench: exact link from space-time duality

B Bertini, K Klobas, TC Lu - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We study the growth of entanglement between two adjacent regions in a tripartite, one-
dimensional many-body system after a quantum quench. Combining a replica trick with a …