A bee or not a bee: an experimental test of acoustic mimicry by hoverflies

CD Moore, C Hassall - Behavioral Ecology, 2016 - academic.oup.com
The degree of similarity between Batesian mimics and their models varies widely and occurs
across a range of sensory modalities. We use 3 complementary experimental paradigms to …

Scaling of sense organs that control flight: Size and sensory cell number of dipteran fly halteres

PJ Simmons - Journal of Zoology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
An animal with a large body can have larger sense organs than a smaller one, collecting
more sensory information. However, many structures scale with body size to be relatively …

Changes in wing morphology rather than wingbeat kinematics enabled evolutionary miniaturization of hoverflies

C Le Roy, N Tervelde, T Engels, FT Muijres - bioRxiv, 2024 - biorxiv.org
Due to physical scaling laws, size greatly affects animal locomotor ability and performance.
Whether morphological and kinematic traits always jointly respond to size variation is …