Anode‐free solid‐state lithium batteries: a review
Anode‐free solid‐state lithium batteries are promising for next‐generation energy storage
systems, especially the mobile sectors, due to their enhanced energy density, improved …
systems, especially the mobile sectors, due to their enhanced energy density, improved …
Critical current density in solid‐state lithium metal batteries: mechanism, influences, and strategies
Solid‐state lithium (Li) metal batteries (SSLMBs) have become a research hotspot in the
energy storage field due to the much‐enhanced safety and high energy density. However …
energy storage field due to the much‐enhanced safety and high energy density. However …
Review of modification strategies in emerging inorganic solid-state electrolytes for lithium, sodium, and potassium batteries
The design of solid-state electrolyte (SSE) entails controlling not only its bulk structure but
also the internal (eg, grain boundary and pore) and heterophase (eg, anode-SSE reaction …
also the internal (eg, grain boundary and pore) and heterophase (eg, anode-SSE reaction …
Physicochemical concepts of the lithium metal anode in solid-state batteries
Develo** reversible lithium metal anodes with high rate capability is one of the central
aims of current battery research. Lithium metal anodes are not only required for the …
aims of current battery research. Lithium metal anodes are not only required for the …
Garnet-type solid-state electrolytes: materials, interfaces, and batteries
Solid-state batteries with desirable advantages, including high-energy density, wide
temperature tolerance, and fewer safety-concerns, have been considered as a promising …
temperature tolerance, and fewer safety-concerns, have been considered as a promising …
Approaching practically accessible solid-state batteries: stability issues related to solid electrolytes and interfaces
Solid-state batteries have been attracting wide attention for next generation energy storage
devices due to the probability to realize higher energy density and superior safety …
devices due to the probability to realize higher energy density and superior safety …
Understanding interface stability in solid-state batteries
Solid-state batteries (SSBs) using a solid electrolyte show potential for providing improved
safety as well as higher energy and power density compared with conventional Li-ion …
safety as well as higher energy and power density compared with conventional Li-ion …
Role of interfaces in solid‐state batteries
Solid‐state batteries (SSBs) are considered as one of the most promising candidates for the
next‐generation energy‐storage technology, because they simultaneously exhibit high …
next‐generation energy‐storage technology, because they simultaneously exhibit high …
New concepts in electrolytes
Over the past decades, Li-ion battery (LIB) has turned into one of the most important
advances in the history of technology due to its extensive and in-depth impact on our life. Its …
advances in the history of technology due to its extensive and in-depth impact on our life. Its …
Critical current densities for high-performance all-solid-state Li-metal batteries: fundamentals, mechanisms, interfaces, materials, and applications
All-solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs) are considered promising next-generation energy
storage devices due to their safety and high volumetric energy densities. However …
storage devices due to their safety and high volumetric energy densities. However …