Evaluating E-learning systems success: An empirical study
E-learning, as a direct result of the integration of technology and education, has emerged as
a powerful medium of learning particularly using Internet technologies. The undeniable …
a powerful medium of learning particularly using Internet technologies. The undeniable …
E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical study
E-learning is a web-based learning ecosystem for the dissemination of information,
communication, and knowledge for education and training. Understanding the impact of e …
communication, and knowledge for education and training. Understanding the impact of e …
Development guidelines for individual digital study assistants in higher education
Increasing student numbers, heterogeneity and individual biographies lead to a growing
need for personalized support. To meet these challenges, an Individual Digital Study …
need for personalized support. To meet these challenges, an Individual Digital Study …
Factors influencing learners' self–regulated learning skills in a massive open online course (MOOC) environment
The importance of self-regulation in a MOOC has been extensively discussed in research
studies that provide evidence about the significant relationship between self-regulated …
studies that provide evidence about the significant relationship between self-regulated …
[PDF][PDF] Models for measuring e-learning success in universities: A literature review
I Dorobat - Informatica Economica, 2014 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
It is obvious that in the Internet era the higher education institutions (HEIs) must innovate the
services they offer by integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the …
services they offer by integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in the …
Teachers' ICT adoption in South African rural schools: a study of technology readiness and implications for the South Africa connect broadband policy
ABSTRACT The South Africa Connect national broadband policy of 2013 aims to ensure
that the country achieves universal internet access by 2030, thereby fostering digital skills …
that the country achieves universal internet access by 2030, thereby fostering digital skills …
An evaluation of the impact of confinement on the quality of e-learning in higher education institutions
S Rughoobur-Seetah, ZA Hosanoo - Quality Assurance in Education, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose Technology acceptance research in the L&T contexts has a necessity for enabling
the significant inclusion of technology in educational settings (Scherer et al., 2019). Despite …
the significant inclusion of technology in educational settings (Scherer et al., 2019). Despite …
Testing the success of real-time online delivery channel adopted by higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates during the Covid-19 pandemic
E-learning was mandated for all the higher education institutions (HEI) in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) to encounter the pandemic and practice social distancing in year 2020. This …
Emirates (UAE) to encounter the pandemic and practice social distancing in year 2020. This …
Critical success factors and challenges for individual digital study assistants in higher education: A mixed methods analysis
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the availability of online higher education programs and
tools has grown rapidly. One example is an individual digital study assistant (IDSA) for …
tools has grown rapidly. One example is an individual digital study assistant (IDSA) for …
The role of quality factors in supporting self-regulated learning (SRL) skills in MOOC environment
NA Albelbisi - Education and Information Technologies, 2019 - Springer
As a crucial factor that affects the learning performance in MOOC, self-regulated learning
(SRL) has elicited considerable interest. Self-regulated learners can manage their learning …
(SRL) has elicited considerable interest. Self-regulated learners can manage their learning …