Vagal afferent innervation of the airways in health and disease
SB Mazzone, BJ Undem - Physiological reviews, 2016 -
Vagal sensory neurons constitute the major afferent supply to the airways and lungs.
Subsets of afferents are defined by their embryological origin, molecular profile …
Subsets of afferents are defined by their embryological origin, molecular profile …
Early neonatal pain—a review of clinical and experimental implications on painful conditions later in life
MD Williams, BDX Lascelles - Frontiers in pediatrics, 2020 -
Modern health care has brought our society innumerable benefits but has also introduced
the experience of pain very early in life. For example, it is now routine care for newborns to …
the experience of pain very early in life. For example, it is now routine care for newborns to …
Early procedural pain is associated with regionally-specific alterations in thalamic development in preterm neonates
Very preterm human neonates are exposed to numerous invasive procedures as part of life-
saving care. Evidence suggests that repetitive neonatal procedural pain precedes long-term …
saving care. Evidence suggests that repetitive neonatal procedural pain precedes long-term …
[SÁCH][B] Sleisenger and Fordtran's gastrointestinal and liver disease E-book: pathophysiology, diagnosis, management
M Feldman, LS Friedman, LJ Brandt - 2020 -
For nearly 50 years, Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease has been
the go-to reference for gastroenterology and hepatology residents, fellows, physicians, and …
the go-to reference for gastroenterology and hepatology residents, fellows, physicians, and …
The biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain: scientific advances and future directions.
The prevalence and cost of chronic pain is a major physical and mental health care problem
in the United States today. As a result, there has been a recent explosion of research on …
in the United States today. As a result, there has been a recent explosion of research on …
[SÁCH][B] Affect dysregulation and disorders of the self (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
A Schore - 2003 -
This volume (one of two) is the first presentation of Schore's comprehensive theory in book
form, as it has developed since 1994. In 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking …
form, as it has developed since 1994. In 1994 Allan Schore published his groundbreaking …
The effects of early relational trauma on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health
AN Schore - Infant Mental Health Journal: Official Publication of …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
A primary interest of the field of infant mental health is in the early conditions that place
infants at risk for less than optimal development. The fundamental problem of what …
infants at risk for less than optimal development. The fundamental problem of what …
When does acute pain become chronic?
C Voscopoulos, M Lema - British journal of anaesthesia, 2010 -
The transition from acute to chronic pain appears to occur in discrete pathophysiological and
histopathological steps. Stimuli initiating a nociceptive response vary, but receptors and …
histopathological steps. Stimuli initiating a nociceptive response vary, but receptors and …
Distraction techniques for children undergoing procedures: a critical review of pediatric research
D Koller, RD Goldman - Journal of pediatric nursing, 2012 - Elsevier
Pediatric patients are often subjected to procedures that can cause pain and anxiety.
Although pharmacologic interventions can be used, distraction is a simple and effective …
Although pharmacologic interventions can be used, distraction is a simple and effective …
Epidemiology and treatment of painful procedures in neonates in intensive care units
R Carbajal, AÚ Rousset, C Danan, S Coquery… - jama, 2008 -
Context Effective strategies to improve pain management in neonates require a clear
understanding of the epidemiology and management of procedural pain. Objective To report …
understanding of the epidemiology and management of procedural pain. Objective To report …