[HTML][HTML] Himalayan aromatic medicinal plants: a review of their ethnopharmacology, volatile phytochemistry, and biological activities
Aromatic plants have played key roles in the lives of tribal peoples living in the Himalaya by
providing products for both food and medicine. This review presents a summary of aromatic …
providing products for both food and medicine. This review presents a summary of aromatic …
Hedychium spicatum: A comprehensive insight into its ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacological and therapeutic attributes
The function of medicinal plants in the healthcare system is immense as they are the main
source of contemporary medications. Among them Hedychium spicatum is a significant …
source of contemporary medications. Among them Hedychium spicatum is a significant …
Hedychium spicatum: a systematic review on traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology and future prospectus
Abstract Objectives Hedychium spicatum Buch. Ham. ex D. Don.(Family Zingiberaceae) is a
rhizomatous herb, used in medicines, food, cosmetics and perfumery industries …
rhizomatous herb, used in medicines, food, cosmetics and perfumery industries …
Anthelmintic effect of essential rhizome oil from Hedychium coronarium Koenig (Zingiberaceae) introduced in Northeastern Brazil
AS Lima, HNPC Junior, LM Costa-Junior, OS Monteiro… - Acta Tropica, 2021 - Elsevier
Hedychium coronarium is native to Tropical Asia and has been introduced into several
Brazilian biomes. Significant biological properties described for the essential oil (EO) from …
Brazilian biomes. Significant biological properties described for the essential oil (EO) from …
Population genetic structure and diversity analysis in Hedychium coronarium populations using morphological, phytochemical and molecular markers
Hedychium coronarium (Zingiberaceae) is a perennial rhizomatous herb widely used for its
aromatic, cosmetic and medicinal value. In the present research, the morphological …
aromatic, cosmetic and medicinal value. In the present research, the morphological …
A Comprehensive Review on Pharmacologically Active Phyto-Constituents from Hedychium species
In this review, we describe and discuss the phytoconstituents present in Hedychium species
and emphasize their potential as drug candidates. Though they are widely validated in vitro …
and emphasize their potential as drug candidates. Though they are widely validated in vitro …
Hedychium spicatum rhizome essential oil induces apoptosis in human prostate adenocarcinoma PC-3 cells via mitochondrial stress and caspase activation
Hedychium spicatum is an essential oil bearing plant extensively used in the traditional
system of medicine in several countries. Previous research has revealed H. spicatum …
system of medicine in several countries. Previous research has revealed H. spicatum …
[PDF][PDF] Chemical composition, herbicidal, antifeedant and cytotoxic activity of Hedychium spicatum Sm.: A Zingiberaceae herb
Medicinal plants are presumed to be useful in the indigeneous system of traditional
medicine for decades. Herbal medicines have been used since ancient times by people in …
medicine for decades. Herbal medicines have been used since ancient times by people in …
Volatile metabolite profiling of ten Hedychium species by gas chromatography mass spectrometry coupled to chemometrics
Highlights•Chemical variability of ten Hedychium species from India was analyzed.•α-
Pinene, β-pinene, 1, 8-cineole and γ-terpinene are the common constituents.•Chemometric …
Pinene, β-pinene, 1, 8-cineole and γ-terpinene are the common constituents.•Chemometric …
Variation in essential oil composition in rhizomes of natural populations of Hedychium spicatum in different environmental condition and habitats
Hedychium spicatum Sm. is a perennial, rhizomatous, essential oil bearing, plant belongs to
the family Zingiberaceae. In the present study, essential oil composition in rhizome part was …
the family Zingiberaceae. In the present study, essential oil composition in rhizome part was …