Defending Earth's terrestrial microbiome
Microbial life represents the majority of Earth's biodiversity. Across disparate disciplines from
medicine to forestry, scientists continue to discover how the microbiome drives essential …
medicine to forestry, scientists continue to discover how the microbiome drives essential …
Current and emerging trends in techniques for plant pathogen detection
Plant pathogenic microorganisms cause substantial yield losses in several economically
important crops, resulting in economic and social adversity. The spread of such plant …
important crops, resulting in economic and social adversity. The spread of such plant …
Threats to global food security from emerging fungal and oomycete crop pathogens
Emerging fungal and oomycete pathogens infect staple calorie crops and economically
important commodity crops, thereby posing a significant risk to global food security. Our …
important commodity crops, thereby posing a significant risk to global food security. Our …
New opportunities in plant microbiome engineering for increasing agricultural sustainability under stressful conditions
Plant microbiome (or phytomicrobiome) engineering (PME) is an anticipated untapped
alternative strategy that could be exploited for plant growth, health and productivity under …
alternative strategy that could be exploited for plant growth, health and productivity under …
The global burden of pathogens and pests on major food crops
Crop pathogens and pests reduce the yield and quality of agricultural production. They
cause substantial economic losses and reduce food security at household, national and …
cause substantial economic losses and reduce food security at household, national and …
Fungicide resistance management: Maximizing the effective life of plant protection products
Effective crop protection is vital to safeguard food security, but growers are reliant on a
limited toolbox in the face of diverse and evolving pathogens. New crop protection methods …
limited toolbox in the face of diverse and evolving pathogens. New crop protection methods …
Plant associated rhizobacteria for biocontrol and plant growth enhancement
Crop disease remains a major problem to global food production. Excess use of pesticides
through chemical disease control measures is a serious problem for sustainable agriculture …
through chemical disease control measures is a serious problem for sustainable agriculture …
[HTML][HTML] Endophytic fungi: Biological control and induced resistance to phytopathogens and abiotic stresses
Plant diseases cause losses of approximately 16% globally. Thus, management measures
must be implemented to mitigate losses and guarantee food production. In addition to …
must be implemented to mitigate losses and guarantee food production. In addition to …
Microbiota-mediated disease resistance in plants
Plant pathogens represent a constant and major threat to global food production, with 20%–
30% global crop losses estimated, principally in food-deficit areas [1]. Pesticide use …
30% global crop losses estimated, principally in food-deficit areas [1]. Pesticide use …
Genetic modification to improve disease resistance in crops
Plant pathogens are a significant challenge in agriculture despite our best efforts to combat
them. One of the most effective and sustainable ways to manage plant pathogens is to use …
them. One of the most effective and sustainable ways to manage plant pathogens is to use …