Regular black holes: a short topic review
C Lan, H Yang, Y Guo, YG Miao - International Journal of Theoretical …, 2023 - Springer
The essential singularity in Einstein's gravity can be avoidable if the preconditions of
Penrose's theorem can be bypassed, ie, if the strong energy condition is broken in the …
Penrose's theorem can be bypassed, ie, if the strong energy condition is broken in the …
Horizon-scale tests of gravity theories and fundamental physics from the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A
Horizon-scale images of black holes (BHs) and their shadows have opened an
unprecedented window onto tests of gravity and fundamental physics in the strong-field …
unprecedented window onto tests of gravity and fundamental physics in the strong-field …
Stable rotating regular black holes
We present a rotating regular black hole whose inner horizon has zero surface gravity for
any value of the spin parameter and is, therefore, stable against mass inflation. Our metric is …
any value of the spin parameter and is, therefore, stable against mass inflation. Our metric is …
Testing black hole mimickers with the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A
R Shaikh - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 - academic.oup.com
ABSTRACT The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has recently observed the image and
shadow of the supermassive compact object Sagittarius A*(Sgr A*). According to the EHT …
shadow of the supermassive compact object Sagittarius A*(Sgr A*). According to the EHT …
Are nonsingular black holes with super-Planckian hair ruled out by S2 star data?
We investigate a nonsingular black hole spacetime representing a strong deformation of the
Schwarzschild solution with mass M by an additional hair ℓ, which may be hierarchically …
Schwarzschild solution with mass M by an additional hair ℓ, which may be hierarchically …
Quasiperiodic oscillations for spherically symmetric regular black holes
We consider the recent datasets of quasiperiodic oscillations from eight different low mass x-
ray binaries. We here interpret their physical features in the context of given regular black …
ray binaries. We here interpret their physical features in the context of given regular black …
Testing gravity with black hole X-ray data
C Bambi - Recent Progress on Gravity Tests: Challenges and …, 2024 - Springer
The analysis of the properties of the X-ray radiation emitted from geometrically thin accretion
disks around black holes can be a powerful tool to test General Relativity in the strong field …
disks around black holes can be a powerful tool to test General Relativity in the strong field …
Primordial regular black holes as all the dark matter. II. Non-time-radial-symmetric and loop quantum gravity-inspired metrics
It is a common belief that a theory of quantum gravity should ultimately cure curvature
singularities which are inevitable within general relativity, and plague for instance the …
singularities which are inevitable within general relativity, and plague for instance the …
Scalar stars and lumps with AdS or dS cores
We explore the possibility of embedding regular compact objects with an (anti-) de Sitter [(A)
dS] core as solutions of Einstein's gravity minimally coupled to a real scalar field. We …
dS] core as solutions of Einstein's gravity minimally coupled to a real scalar field. We …
[PDF][PDF] Primordial regular black holes as all the dark matter (II): non-tr-symmetric and loop quantum gravity-inspired metrics
It is a common belief that a theory of quantum gravity should ultimately cure curvature
singularities which are inevitable within General Relativity, and plague for instance the …
singularities which are inevitable within General Relativity, and plague for instance the …