Tortuosity of porous media: Image analysis and physical simulation
Tortuosity is widely used as a critical parameter to predict transport properties of porous
media, such as rocks and soils. But unlike other standard microstructural properties, the …
media, such as rocks and soils. But unlike other standard microstructural properties, the …
Imaging and image-based fluid transport modeling at the pore scale in geological materials: A practical introduction to the current state-of-the-art
Fluid flow and mass transport in geological materials are crucial in diverse Earth science
applications. To fully understand the behavior of geological materials in this context, the …
applications. To fully understand the behavior of geological materials in this context, the …
Emergent properties of microbial activity in heterogeneous soil microenvironments: different research approaches are slowly converging, yet major challenges remain
Over the last 60 years, soil microbiologists have accumulated a wealth of experimental data
showing that the bulk, macroscopic parameters (eg, granulometry, pH, soil organic matter …
showing that the bulk, macroscopic parameters (eg, granulometry, pH, soil organic matter …
[HTML][HTML] Fluid–rock interactions and its implications on EOR: Critical analysis, experimental techniques and knowledge gaps
Abstract Characterization of fluid–rock interactions is essential for a broad range of
subsurface applications such as understanding fluid flow in porous medium and enhanced …
subsurface applications such as understanding fluid flow in porous medium and enhanced …
Digital rock physics, chemistry, and biology: challenges and prospects of pore-scale modelling approach
Conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon rocks have complicated pore structures with
heterogeneities distributed over various length scales (from nanometre to centimetre or even …
heterogeneities distributed over various length scales (from nanometre to centimetre or even …
[КНИГА][B] Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods
This open access book presents a thorough look at tortuosity and microstructure effects in
porous materials. The book delivers a comprehensive review of the subject, summarizing all …
porous materials. The book delivers a comprehensive review of the subject, summarizing all …
Micro-computed tomography pore-scale study of flow in porous media: Effect of voxel resolution
A fundamental understanding of flow in porous media at the pore-scale is necessary to be
able to upscale average displacement processes from core to reservoir scale. The study of …
able to upscale average displacement processes from core to reservoir scale. The study of …
An improved model for permeability estimation in low permeable porous media based on fractal geometry and modified Hagen-Poiseuille flow
X Chen, G Yao - Fuel, 2017 - Elsevier
Permeability is a crucial macroscopic parameter in characterizing fluid flow and mass
transfer behavior in porous media. A great theoretical basis for permeability estimation has …
transfer behavior in porous media. A great theoretical basis for permeability estimation has …
Effects of micropores on geometric, topological and transport properties of pore systems for low-permeability porous media
Pore systems become very complex in heterogeneous reservoirs such as low-permeability
and tight sandstones for macropores and micropores both exist in such reservoirs. Although …
and tight sandstones for macropores and micropores both exist in such reservoirs. Although …
X-ray computed tomography–measured pore characteristics and hydro-physical properties of soil profile as influenced by long-term tillage and rotation systems
Soil hydro-physical properties and pore characteristics are crucial for crop production as
they determine water, air, and nutrients transfer. Long-term tillage and crop rotation studies …
they determine water, air, and nutrients transfer. Long-term tillage and crop rotation studies …