Disposition and Development Strategies for Vacant Property in Petersburg, Virginia

GN Stankus - 2021‏ - scholarscompass.vcu.edu
Petersburg, Virginia has weathered decades of population and industrial decline resulting in
the abundance of City-owned vacant property. As the Richmond metropolitan area …


J Tyler - 2022‏ - libres.uncg.edu
In some ways, the First World War is still being fought well into the 21st century. Several post-
colonial struggles throughout Africa and the Middle East ultimately have their origins in the …

The Lagrange Logistics Method

J Rogers - 2023‏ - commons.und.edu
Human development into different environments has always required logistics support to
sustain life, focusing this research on one method in supporting interplanetary missions …

An Urban Partnership: Embracing Collaboration and Feedback

K Dye, M Wallace, K Thompkins… - Journal of Community …, 2022‏ - jces.ua.edu
Our research-practice partnership is between an urban, high-poverty high school and a
neighboring university. Our collaboration focused on establishing trusting relationships …

[PDF][PDF] Distance and Decline: The Case of Petersburg, Virginia

S Pinto - 2018‏ - academia.edu
Petersburg, Virginia, prospered over two centuries as a center of production and trade.
However, the city experienced economic difficulties beginning in the 1980s as a large …

Distance and Decline: The Case of Petersburg, Virginia

RE Owens, SM Pinto - 2018‏ - papers.ssrn.com
Petersburg, Virginia, prospered over two centuries as a center of production and trade.
However, the city experienced economic difficulties beginning in the 1980s as a large …

Effects of Historic Preservation Policy on Urban Neighborhood Stabilization

LV Jordan - 2018‏ - search.proquest.com
Since the 1960s, urban neighborhoods in the United States have been affected by historic
designation and local historic preservation policy raising concerns about social inequity in …