Network coding in the link layer for reliable narrowband powerline communications
The wide availability of power distribution cables provides an interesting no-new-wires
communication channel. However, its electrical characteristics make it a harsh environment …
communication channel. However, its electrical characteristics make it a harsh environment …
Opportunistic Fountain Coding with Coordinative Routing
Fountain codes are widely employed to improve reliability and efficiency in wireless
communication systems due to their simple coding mechanisms. In this letter, we propose an …
communication systems due to their simple coding mechanisms. In this letter, we propose an …
Deadline-aware opportunistic network coding for multi-relay-aided single-source single-destination network
G Hu, K Xu, Y Xu - IEEE Communications Letters, 2017 -
An opportunistic network coding (NC) scheme is proposed for the multi-relay-aided single-
source single-destination network with transmission deadline. With the help of matrix …
source single-destination network with transmission deadline. With the help of matrix …
Experimental assessment of LNC‐based cooperative communication schemes using commercial off‐the‐shelf wireless sensor network nodes
The use of wireless sensor network nodes to support reliable communication exposes some
challenging issues. For instance, the reduced available bandwidth combined with an error …
challenging issues. For instance, the reduced available bandwidth combined with an error …
A new derivation and recursive algorithm based on Wronskian matrix for Vandermonde inverse matrix
Q Zhou, X Zhang, X Liu - Mathematical Problems in …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
For an analytical expression of Vandermonde inverse matrix, a new derivation process
based on Wronskian matrix and Lagrange interpolation polynomial basis is presented …
based on Wronskian matrix and Lagrange interpolation polynomial basis is presented …
A New Method for Improving the Security and Access Time to Data Blocks in Big Databases
Big Data is a set of data with large volume, a various and complex structure and their size is
beyond of limit which can be grasped, managed and processed with usual softwares in a …
beyond of limit which can be grasped, managed and processed with usual softwares in a …
[PDF][PDF] Research on the Track Level Measurement Based on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion
Z Wang -
The track level measurement based on multi-sensor information fusion is studied. The
Kalman filter and weighted fusion estimation algorithm is used to fuse the angle sensor and …
Kalman filter and weighted fusion estimation algorithm is used to fuse the angle sensor and …
Abstract Random Linear Network Coding presents important advantages to the performance
of wireless networks, since it considered new technology that increase the reliability and the …
of wireless networks, since it considered new technology that increase the reliability and the …
[PDF][PDF] Machine Vision Information Acquisition and Processing Technology Based on FPGA.
X Sun, P Li, Q Cai, Y Shi - … Journal of Simulation--Systems, Science & …, 2016 -
In this paper, the author studies on the machine vision information acquisition and
processing technology based on FPGA. Canny edge detection algorithm is used to obtain …
processing technology based on FPGA. Canny edge detection algorithm is used to obtain …
[PDF][PDF] Research on Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
J Tie-cheng - International Journal of Simulation--Systems, Science …, 2015 -
In this paper, the author researches on the image segmentation based on fuzzy clustering
algorithm. In order to overcome the sensitivity of GIFP_FCM to noise in brain MR images, a …
algorithm. In order to overcome the sensitivity of GIFP_FCM to noise in brain MR images, a …