Language and communication in international students' adaptation: a bibliometric and content analysis review
This article systematically reviews the literature (313 articles) on language and
communication in international students' cross-cultural adaptation in institutions of higher …
communication in international students' cross-cultural adaptation in institutions of higher …
A systematic review of student agency in international higher education
The agency of international students has long been neglected and undertheorised, though
recent literature indicates that this has started to change. This paper systematically reviews …
recent literature indicates that this has started to change. This paper systematically reviews …
Two Decades of Research Into the Internationalization of Higher Education: Major Themes in the Journal of Studies in International Education (1997-2016)
In recent decades, internationalization within higher education has emerged as a distinct
field for practice and research. However, there are few meta-analyses of how the research …
field for practice and research. However, there are few meta-analyses of how the research …
[ספר][B] Linguistic diversity on the EMI campus
J Jenkins, A Mauranen - 2019 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Linguistic Diversity on the EMI Campus presents an in-depth ethnographic case study of the
language policies and practices of universities in nine countries around the world. Each …
language policies and practices of universities in nine countries around the world. Each …
[ספר][B] Tools for teaching in an educationally mobile world
J Carroll - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Tools for Teaching in an Educationally Mobile World examines the challenges that
undergraduate and postgraduate teachers often encounter when working with students from …
undergraduate and postgraduate teachers often encounter when working with students from …
Cross-cultural transition and psychological adaptation of international students: The mediating role of host national connectedness
Cross-cultural transitions are challenging and often have detrimental consequences for
psychological well-being. This is particularly true for international students at tertiary …
psychological well-being. This is particularly true for international students at tertiary …
Toward a framework for (re) thinking the ethics and politics of international student mobility
In recent years, scholarship on international student mobility (ISM) has proliferated across
various social science disciplines. Of late, an interest in the ethics and politics of ISM seems …
various social science disciplines. Of late, an interest in the ethics and politics of ISM seems …
Humanising the internationalisation of higher education: Enhancing international students' wellbeing through the capability approach
The international student experience has strategically transformed the internationalisation of
higher education globally. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, international student wellbeing …
higher education globally. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, international student wellbeing …
Intercultural challenges, intracultural practices: How Chinese and Australian students understand and experience intercultural communication at an Australian …
In recent years, over half a million Chinese students travelled abroad to study, making China
the largest source of international students in the global higher education market. A large …
the largest source of international students in the global higher education market. A large …
Determinants of mobility of students in Europe: Empirical evidence for the period 1998-2009
This article studies the economic determinants of intra-European student mobility. We
constructed a panel of 33 European countries for the period 1998-2009. The dependent …
constructed a panel of 33 European countries for the period 1998-2009. The dependent …