Promoting the new superior variety of national hybrid maize: Improve farmer satisfaction to enhance production
Farmers' satisfaction with new superior varieties (NSVs) is a critical strategy for boosting
their adoption. Out of 48 national NSV hybrids produced, only three, including Nasa-29, JH …
their adoption. Out of 48 national NSV hybrids produced, only three, including Nasa-29, JH …
Prospects of Indonesian Rice Self-sufficiency As a Food Security Effort Using a Dynamic System Model
Problems at the level of rice production faced include reduced agricultural land due to land
conversion, damage to irrigation networks, pests and diseases in production and not yet …
conversion, damage to irrigation networks, pests and diseases in production and not yet …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of social media engagement on market Share: a system dynamics model
Background: Some studies have shown that Return on Total Assets is a strategy to increase
market share. Other studies have also shown that social media like WeChat can increase …
market share. Other studies have also shown that social media like WeChat can increase …
[HTML][HTML] A food resilience model integrating local wisdom and sociotechnical dynamic systems: Case study flood-affected communities in the Bengawan solo area
This study aimed to identify local potential and design a food resilience model based on
local wisdom regarding floods. Floods can degrade the quality of food products. Indonesian …
local wisdom regarding floods. Floods can degrade the quality of food products. Indonesian …
Pemetaan Penciptaan Nilai Pada Aktivitas Pengadaan Dan Penjualan Skrap Logam Kaleng Menggunakan Value Stream Map** Untuk Mengurangi Waste Di Pt …
Industrialization is an alternative development model needed by the country to spur
economic processes. Apart from accelerating the economy, the development of …
economic processes. Apart from accelerating the economy, the development of …
Model Sistem Dinamis Dalam Meningkatkan Efisiensi Rantai Pasok Telur Ayam Di Bojonegoro
This study proposes the application of a dynamic systems model to enhance the efficiency of
the chicken egg supply chain in Bojonegoro. The egg supply chain in this region often faces …
the chicken egg supply chain in Bojonegoro. The egg supply chain in this region often faces …
Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Evaluasi Diri Madrasah sebagai Sistem Informasi Eksekutif dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Strategis di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Muhtaduun
Abstrak Sebagai Lembaga pendidikan Islam, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Al Muhtaduun
memiliki tantangan dalam hal pengelolaan dan pengembangan madrasah. Untuk …
memiliki tantangan dalam hal pengelolaan dan pengembangan madrasah. Untuk …
Designing a system dynamics model for optimizing shrimp raw material supply in shrimp crackers production
Shrimp is a key raw material in shrimp crackers production. The competitive snack food
industry leads to fluctuating demand for shrimp crackers, impacting the supply chain …
industry leads to fluctuating demand for shrimp crackers, impacting the supply chain …
Simulation Model of Cassava Availability For Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) By Considering Sustainability
Background: There is a high demand for wheat flour, but the supply of it is reduced due to
high prices and world oats availability because of climate change and conflicts. Cassava is …
high prices and world oats availability because of climate change and conflicts. Cassava is …
Scenario of improving road user safety in Surabaya: A system thinking approach
Road safety is one of the most crucial things in ensuring the comfort of road users. But every
year, road accidents are commonplace. Based on WHO data, road accidents occupy the …
year, road accidents are commonplace. Based on WHO data, road accidents occupy the …