Migratory coupling between predators and prey
Animal migrations act to couple ecosystems and are undertaken by some of the world's most
endangered taxa. Predators often exploit migrant prey, but the movements taken by these …
endangered taxa. Predators often exploit migrant prey, but the movements taken by these …
Predator swam** reduces predation risk during nocturnal migration of juvenile salmon in a high‐mortality landscape
Animal migrations are costly and are often characterized by high predation risk for
individuals. Three of the most oft‐assumed mechanisms for reducing risk for migrants are …
individuals. Three of the most oft‐assumed mechanisms for reducing risk for migrants are …
Damming, lost connectivity, and the historical role of anadromous fish in freshwater ecosystem dynamics
Recent research has demonstrated the important role that high-biomass species play in the
transfer of energy and nutrients across habitat boundaries, as well as the ecosystem …
transfer of energy and nutrients across habitat boundaries, as well as the ecosystem …
Tracking wild sockeye salmon smolts to the ocean reveals distinct regions of nocturnal movement and high mortality
Few estimates of migration rates or descriptions of behavior or survival exist for wild
populations of out‐migrating Pacific salmon smolts from natal freshwater rearing areas to the …
populations of out‐migrating Pacific salmon smolts from natal freshwater rearing areas to the …
Infected juvenile salmon can experience increased predation during freshwater migration
Predation risk for animal migrants can be impacted by physical condition. Although size-or
condition-based selection is often observed, observing infection-based predation is rare due …
condition-based selection is often observed, observing infection-based predation is rare due …
Rapid recolonization and life history responses of Bull Trout following dam removal in Washington's Elwha River
Connected river systems confer advantages upon migratory salmonids by facilitating greater
life history expression and, ultimately, population persistence. In Washington's Elwha River …
life history expression and, ultimately, population persistence. In Washington's Elwha River …
The various ways that anadromous salmonids use lake habitats to complete their life history
Despite the preponderance of exorheic lakes in rivers home to anadromous salmonids, little
research has focused on how salmon, trout, and char use lakes as part of their anadromous …
research has focused on how salmon, trout, and char use lakes as part of their anadromous …
Piscivorous fish exhibit temperature‐influenced binge feeding during an annual prey pulse
Understanding the limits of consumption is important for determining trophic influences on
ecosystems and predator adaptations to inconsistent prey availability. Fishes have been …
ecosystems and predator adaptations to inconsistent prey availability. Fishes have been …
Migratory salmon smolts exhibit consistent interannual depensatory predator swam**: effects on telemetry‐based survival estimates
Migrations of juvenile salmon smolts are generally high‐risk, with predation often implicated
in reduced survival. In theory, smolts can maximise survival via depensation, or …
in reduced survival. In theory, smolts can maximise survival via depensation, or …
Migratory-derived resources induce elongated food chains through middle-up food web effects
Background Seasonal movements of animals often result in the transfer of large amounts of
energy and nutrients across ecosystem boundaries, which may have large consequences …
energy and nutrients across ecosystem boundaries, which may have large consequences …