ZnO nanoflowers-based photoanodes: aqueous chemical synthesis, microstructure and optical properties

RA Wahyuono, C Schmidt, A Dellith, J Dellith… - Open …, 2016 - degruyter.com
We have developed an efficient, low temperature, synthetic route for ZnO nanoflowers (NFs)
as photoanode material. This alternative route yields small flowerlike nanostructures, built …

Effect of annealing on the sub-bandgap, defects and trap** states of ZnO nanostructures

RA Wahyuono, F Hermann-Westendorf, A Dellith… - Chemical Physics, 2017 - Elsevier
Annealing treatment was applied to different mesoporous ZnO nanostructures prepared by
wet chemical synthesis, ie nanoflowers (NFs), spherical aggregates (SPs), and nanorods …

ZnO Nanostructures for Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells Using the TEMPO+/TEMPO Redox Mediator and Ruthenium(II) Photosensitizers with 1,2,3‐Triazole‐Derived …

RA Wahyuono, B Schulze, M Rusu, M Wächtler… - …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
A series of thiocyanate‐free bis (tridentate) ruthenium (II) complexes incorporating 1, 2, 3‐
triazole‐derived NNN‐, NCN‐, and CNC‐coordinating ligands has been employed for …

Integrated ZnO nanoparticles on paper-based microfluidic: toward efficient analytical device for glucose detection based on impedance and FTIR measurement

RA Yuwono, MF Izdiharruddin… - … Seminar on Photonics …, 2016 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices decorated with ZnO nanospherical (nanoSPs)
aggregates (ZnO-μPAD) for glucose detection have been fabricated. ZnO nanoSPs were …

[PDF][PDF] Preparasi dan karakterisasi dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) dengan pewarna ekstrak jeruk: Pengaruh variasi komposisi karotenoid dan flavonoid terhadap …

E Ernawita, I Irwansyah, D Sawitri… - Jurnal Fisika dan …, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) employing ZnO and citrus extracts as sensitizer were
fabricated and characterized. Citrus extracts used in this study were isolated from Citrus …

The Solar Cell Based on Gretzel's Cell Release in the Oil and Gas Industry

AN Drozdov, IM Narozhnyy, VB Ludupov… - … IEEE Conference of …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Theoretical justifications of the calculation method, as well as the results of experimental
studies, were made according to the Michael Gretzel research. Based on the data obtained …

[HTML][HTML] Исследование возможности применения солнечных элементов на основе диоксида титана, сенсибилизированного органическими красителями, в …

АН Дроздов, АХ Канаметов, ВБ Лудупов… - Территория …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
Альтернативные источники энергии активно исследуются в связи с возрастающей
потребностью человечества в электрической энергии. На сегодняшний день одним из …


LC Muhimah, RA Yuwono… - Simetris: Jurnal Teknik …, 2017 - scholar.archive.org
Sel surya berpewarna tersensitisasi atau dikenal dengan dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC)
dengan menggunakan semikonduktor tipe-n dan tipe-p serta ekstrak jeruk Mentui (khas …

[CITATION][C] Effect Of Annealing Temperature On The Performance Of Zno Based Dye Sensitize Solar Cell

MDS HOSSAIN, N UDDIN - 2022 - dspace.iiuc.ac.bd
Within this study, we explore the effects of annealing temperature on the overall
performance of ZnO-based dye-sensitized solar cells. The Electrophoretic Deposition …