[HTML][HTML] Thirty years of credal networks: Specification, algorithms and complexity
Credal networks generalize Bayesian networks to allow for imprecision in probability values.
This paper reviews the main results on credal networks under strong independence, as …
This paper reviews the main results on credal networks under strong independence, as …
Uncertainty measures: A critical survey
F Cuzzolin - Information Fusion, 2024 - Elsevier
Classical probability is not the only mathematical theory of uncertainty, or the most general.
Many authors have argued that probability theory is ill-equipped to model the 'epistemic' …
Many authors have argued that probability theory is ill-equipped to model the 'epistemic' …
[BOK][B] Safety and reliability. Theory and applications
M Cepin, R Bris - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Safety and Reliability–Theory and Applications contains the contributions presented at the
27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017, Portorož, Slovenia, June 18 …
27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017, Portorož, Slovenia, June 18 …
Interval estimation for conditional failure rates of transmission lines with limited samples
The estimation of the conditional failure rate (CFR) of an overhead transmission line (OTL) is
essential for power system operational reliability assessment. It is hard to predict the CFR …
essential for power system operational reliability assessment. It is hard to predict the CFR …
Bayesian networks with imprecise probabilities: Theory and application to classification
Bayesian networks are powerful probabilistic graphical models for modelling uncertainty.
Among others, classification represents an important application: some of the most used …
Among others, classification represents an important application: some of the most used …
Probabilistic inference in credal networks: new complexity results
Credal networks are graph-based statistical models whose parameters take values in a set,
instead of being sharply specified as in traditional statistical models (eg, Bayesian …
instead of being sharply specified as in traditional statistical models (eg, Bayesian …
On the complexity of strong and epistemic credal networks
Credal networks are graph-based statistical models whose parameters take values in a set,
instead of being sharply specified as in traditional statistical models (eg, Bayesian …
instead of being sharply specified as in traditional statistical models (eg, Bayesian …
[PDF][PDF] An inference method for bayesian networks with probability intervals
Bayesian Networks (BNs) are an extremely attractive tool in many fields of engineering and
science. Nevertheless, many studies have highlighted the limitations of the traditional BNs …
science. Nevertheless, many studies have highlighted the limitations of the traditional BNs …
Updating Probability Intervals with Uncertain Inputs
K Tabia - Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2022 - hal.science
Probability intervals provide an intuitive, powerful and unifying setting for encoding and
reasoning with imprecise beliefs. This paper addresses the problem of updating uncertain …
reasoning with imprecise beliefs. This paper addresses the problem of updating uncertain …
[PDF][PDF] Risk-informed decision making under imprecise information: portfolio decision analysis and credal networks
A risk-informed decision making approach has been proposed in Mancuso et al.(2017) to
identify the cost-effective portfolios of safety barriers to be installed in a system for …
identify the cost-effective portfolios of safety barriers to be installed in a system for …