Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe
Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external
fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way …
fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way …
Unifying quantum and classical speed limits on observables
The presence of noise or the interaction with an environment can radically change the
dynamics of observables of an otherwise isolated quantum system. We derive a bound on …
dynamics of observables of an otherwise isolated quantum system. We derive a bound on …
From pulses to circuits and back again: A quantum optimal control perspective on variational quantum algorithms
The last decade has witnessed remarkable progress in the development of quantum
technologies. Although fault-tolerant devices likely remain years away, the noisy …
technologies. Although fault-tolerant devices likely remain years away, the noisy …
In Situ Thermometry of a Cold Fermi Gas via Dephasing Impurities
The precise measurement of low temperatures is a challenging, important, and fundamental
task for quantum science. In particular, in situ thermometry is highly desirable for cold atomic …
task for quantum science. In particular, in situ thermometry is highly desirable for cold atomic …
Topological speed limit
Any physical system evolves at a finite speed that is constrained not only by the energetic
cost but also by the topological structure of the underlying dynamics. In this Letter, by …
cost but also by the topological structure of the underlying dynamics. In this Letter, by …
Geometric operator quantum speed limit, Wegner Hamiltonian flow and operator growth
Quantum speed limits (QSLs) provide lower bounds on the minimum time required for a
process to unfold by using a distance between quantum states and identifying the speed of …
process to unfold by using a distance between quantum states and identifying the speed of …
From quantum speed limits to energy-efficient quantum gates
While recent breakthroughs in quantum computing promise the nascence of the quantum
information age, quantum states remain delicate to control. Moreover, the required energy …
information age, quantum states remain delicate to control. Moreover, the required energy …
Action quantum speed limits
We introduce action quantum speed limits (QSLs) as a family of bounds on the minimal time
to connect two states that, unlike the usual geometric approach, crucially depend on how the …
to connect two states that, unlike the usual geometric approach, crucially depend on how the …
Floquet dynamical quantum phase transition in the extended XY model: Nonadiabatic to adiabatic topological transition
We investigate both pure and mixed states Floquet dynamical quantum phase transition
(DQPT) in the periodically time-dependent extended XY model. We exactly show that the …
(DQPT) in the periodically time-dependent extended XY model. We exactly show that the …
Quantum speed limit quantified by the changing rate of phase
S Sun, Y Peng, X Hu, Y Zheng - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
The quantum speed limit is important in determining the minimum evolution time of a
quantum system, and thus is essential for quantum community. In this Letter, we derive a …
quantum system, and thus is essential for quantum community. In this Letter, we derive a …