The structure of ecological networks across levels of organization
PR Guimaraes Jr - Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and …, 2020 -
Interactions connect the units of ecological systems, forming networks. Individual-based
networks characterize variation in niches among individuals within populations. These …
networks characterize variation in niches among individuals within populations. These …
Polinização e dispersão de sementes em Myrtaceae do Brasil
Myrtaceae é uma das famílias de plantas mais importantes em várias formações vegetais
brasileiras, especialmente nas florestas. Suas flores hermafroditas, de cor geralmente clara …
brasileiras, especialmente nas florestas. Suas flores hermafroditas, de cor geralmente clara …
Defaunation affects carbon storage in tropical forests
Carbon storage is widely acknowledged as one of the most valuable forest ecosystem
services. Deforestation, logging, fragmentation, fire, and climate change have significant …
services. Deforestation, logging, fragmentation, fire, and climate change have significant …
The nested assembly of plant–animal mutualistic networks
Most studies of plant–animal mutualisms involve a small number of species. There is almost
no information on the structural organization of species-rich mutualistic networks despite its …
no information on the structural organization of species-rich mutualistic networks despite its …
The dimensionality of ecological networks
How many dimensions (trait‐axes) are required to predict whether two species interact? This
unanswered question originated with the idea of ecological niches, and yet bears relevance …
unanswered question originated with the idea of ecological niches, and yet bears relevance …
Evolution and coevolution in mutualistic networks
Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 877–885 Abstract A major current challenge in evolutionary
biology is to understand how networks of interacting species shape the coevolutionary …
biology is to understand how networks of interacting species shape the coevolutionary …
Abiotic and vertebrate seed dispersal in the Brazilian Atlantic forest: implications for forest regeneration
This study documents the proportion of woody plant species having different modes of seed
dispersal, and classes of seed and fruit size at 16 Atlantic montane forest plots of …
dispersal, and classes of seed and fruit size at 16 Atlantic montane forest plots of …
Structure, spatial dynamics, and stability of novel seed dispersal mutualistic networks in Hawai ʻ i
Increasing rates of human-caused species invasions and extinctions may reshape
communities and modify the structure, dynamics, and stability of species interactions. To …
communities and modify the structure, dynamics, and stability of species interactions. To …
Methodological overview and data‐merging approaches in the study of plant–frugivore interactions
Recording species interactions is one of the main challenges in ecological studies.
Frugivory has received much attention for decades as a model for mutualisms among free …
Frugivory has received much attention for decades as a model for mutualisms among free …
[TXT][TXT] Ligando frugivoria e dispersão de sementes à biologia da conservação
Na década de 1970, Daniel H. Janzen, um dos grandes ecólogos tropicais, chamou a
atenção para um problema de conservação muito mais sutil do que a extinção de espécies …
atenção para um problema de conservação muito mais sutil do que a extinção de espécies …