[HTML][HTML] Groundwater level prediction using machine learning models: A comprehensive review
Develo** accurate soft computing methods for groundwater level (GWL) forecasting is
essential for enhancing the planning and management of water resources. Over the past two …
essential for enhancing the planning and management of water resources. Over the past two …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in butterfly optimization algorithm, its versions and applications
The butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA) is a recent successful metaheuristic swarm-based
optimization algorithm. The BOA has attracted scholars' attention due to its extraordinary …
optimization algorithm. The BOA has attracted scholars' attention due to its extraordinary …
[HTML][HTML] Application of improved version of multi verse optimizer algorithm for modeling solar radiation
For better estimation of renewable environmental friendly and carbon-free energy resources,
precise prediction of solar energy is very essential. However, accurate prediction of solar …
precise prediction of solar energy is very essential. However, accurate prediction of solar …
Modelling groundwater level fluctuations by ELM merged advanced metaheuristic algorithms using hydroclimatic data
The accurate assessment of groundwater levels is critical to water resource management.
With global warming and climate change, its significance has become increasingly evident …
With global warming and climate change, its significance has become increasingly evident …
Prediction of meteorological drought by using hybrid support vector regression optimized with HHO versus PSO algorithms
Drought is considered one of the costliest natural disasters that result in water scarcity and
crop damage almost every year. Drought monitoring and forecasting are essential for the …
crop damage almost every year. Drought monitoring and forecasting are essential for the …
Application of novel binary optimized machine learning models for monthly streamflow prediction
Accurate measurements of available water resources play a key role in achieving a
sustainable environment of a society. Precise river flow estimation is an essential task for …
sustainable environment of a society. Precise river flow estimation is an essential task for …
Flood discharge prediction using improved ANFIS model combined with hybrid particle swarm optimisation and slime mould algorithm
Due to the disastrous socio-economic impacts of flood hazards and estimated rise of its
occurrences in the near future, there has been an increase in the importance of flood …
occurrences in the near future, there has been an increase in the importance of flood …
Artificial intelligence for suspended sediment load prediction: a review
The estimation of sediment yield concentration is crucial for the development of stream
ventures, watershed management, toxins estimation, soil disintegration, floods, and so on. In …
ventures, watershed management, toxins estimation, soil disintegration, floods, and so on. In …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing sediment transport predictions through machine learning-based multi-scenario regression models
Abstract Machine learning is one effective way of increasing the accuracy of sediment
transport models. Machine learning captures patterns in the sequence of both structured and …
transport models. Machine learning captures patterns in the sequence of both structured and …
Monthly evapotranspiration estimation using optimal climatic parameters: efficacy of hybrid support vector regression integrated with whale optimization algorithm
For effective planning of irrigation scheduling, water budgeting, crop simulation, and water
resources management, the accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ET o) is …
resources management, the accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ET o) is …