Response of granular media to rapid penetration

M Omidvar, M Iskander, S Bless - International Journal of Impact …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
There has been a flurry of interest over the past decade in the study of impact and
penetration into granular media. A wealth of knowledge has resulted from these efforts. This …

Elasticity and rheology of auxetic granular metamaterials

D Haver, D Acuña, S Janbaz, E Lerner… - Proceedings of the …, 2024‏ -
The flowing, jamming, and avalanche behavior of granular materials is satisfyingly universal
and vexingly hard to tune: A granular flow is typically intermittent and will irremediably jam if …

Impact on granular beds

D Van Der Meer - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2017‏ -
The impact of an object on a granular solid is an ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, the
scale of which ranges from the impact of a raindrop onto sand all the way to that of a large …

Archimedes' law explains penetration of solids into granular media

W Kang, Y Feng, C Liu, R Blumenfeld - Nature communications, 2018‏ -
Understanding the response of granular matter to intrusion of solid objects is key to
modelling many aspects of behaviour of granular matter, including plastic flow. Here we …

Particle scale dynamics in granular impact

AH Clark, L Kondic, RP Behringer - Physical review letters, 2012‏ - APS
We perform an experimental study of granular impact, where intruders strike 2D beds of
photoelastic disks from above. High-speed video captures the intruder dynamics and the …

Depth-dependent resistance of granular media to vertical penetration

TA Brzinski III, P Mayor, DJ Durian - Physical review letters, 2013‏ - APS
We measure the quasistatic friction force acting on intruders moving downwards into a
granular medium. By utilizing different intruder geometries, we demonstrate that the force …

Drag induced lift in granular media

Y Ding, N Gravish, DI Goldman - Physical review letters, 2011‏ - APS
Laboratory experiments and numerical simulation reveal that a submerged intruder dragged
horizontally at a constant velocity within a granular medium experiences a lift force whose …

Nonlinear force propagation during granular impact

AH Clark, AJ Petersen, L Kondic, RP Behringer - Physical review letters, 2015‏ - APS
We experimentally study nonlinear force propagation into granular material during impact
from an intruder, and we explain our observations in terms of the nonlinear grain-scale force …

Granular impact and the critical packing state

P Umbanhowar, DI Goldman - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and …, 2010‏ - APS
Impact dynamics during collisions of spheres with granular media reveal a pronounced and
nontrivial dependence on volume fraction ϕ. Postimpact crater morphology identifies the …

Drag force scaling for penetration into granular media

H Katsuragi, DJ Durian - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2013‏ - APS
Impact dynamics is measured for spherical and cylindrical projectiles of many different
densities dropped onto a variety non-cohesive granular media. The results are analyzed in …