The RacerPro knowledge representation and reasoning system
RacerPro is a software system for building applications based on ontologies. The backbone
of RacerPro is a description logic reasoner. It provides inference services for terminological …
of RacerPro is a description logic reasoner. It provides inference services for terminological …
PAGOdA: Pay-as-you-go ontology query answering using a datalog reasoner
Answering conjunctive queries over ontology-enriched datasets is a core reasoning task for
many applications. Query answering is, however, computationally very expensive, which …
many applications. Query answering is, however, computationally very expensive, which …
Improving semantic web services discovery using SPARQL-based repository filtering
Semantic Web Services discovery is commonly a heavyweight task, which has scalability
issues when the number of services or the ontology complexity increase, because most …
issues when the number of services or the ontology complexity increase, because most …
Optimizing SPARQL query answering over OWL ontologies
The SPARQL query language is currently being extended by the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) with so-called entailment regimes. An entailment regime defines how …
Consortium (W3C) with so-called entailment regimes. An entailment regime defines how …
An ontological approach to system of systems engineering in product development
L Knöös Franzén, I Staack, C Jouannet… - proceedings of the 10th …, 2019 - diva-portal.org
This paper presents an approach to system-of-systems engineering for product development
with the use of ontology. A proposed method for building as well as using ontology to …
with the use of ontology. A proposed method for building as well as using ontology to …
What's new in description logics
F Baader - Informatik-Spektrum, 2011 - Springer
Abstract Mainstream research in Description Logics (DLs) until recently concentrated on
increasing the expressive power of the employed description language while kee** …
increasing the expressive power of the employed description language while kee** …
[BOK][B] A System of Systems View in Early Product Development An Ontology-Based Approach
LK Franzén - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The concept of system-of-systems is becoming increasingly common and relevant in many
engineering applications. Today's highly interconnected world entails that more and more …
engineering applications. Today's highly interconnected world entails that more and more …
Optimising fuzzy description logic reasoners with general concept inclusion absorption
F Bobillo, U Straccia - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2016 - Elsevier
Abstract General Concept Inclusion (GCI) absorption algorithms have shown to play an
important role in classical Description Logic (DL) reasoners. They allow to transform GCIs …
important role in classical Description Logic (DL) reasoners. They allow to transform GCIs …
A query language for logic architectures
A Malykh, A Mantsivoda - … Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper we consider the impact of the Semantic Web and logical means on a wide
range of developers solving traditional tasks on the WWW. How to make the'elite'logic tools …
range of developers solving traditional tasks on the WWW. How to make the'elite'logic tools …
A system of systems approach for search and rescue missions
L Knöös Franzén, S Schön, A Papageorgiou… - AIAA Scitech 2020 …, 2020 - arc.aiaa.org
System-of-Systems Engineering (SoSE) has become a constantly growing field within
product development for complex systems. Systems are becoming more and more …
product development for complex systems. Systems are becoming more and more …