[HTML][HTML] Emerging trends in blockchain technology and applications: A review and outlook

AG Gad, DT Mosa, L Abualigah, AA Abohany - Journal of King Saud …, 2022 - Elsevier
At present times, Blockchain technology is gaining more attraction with every passing day,
as it has revolutionized the traditional trade due to its distributed ledger feature, every record …

Privacy-preserving solutions for blockchain: Review and challenges

JB Bernabe, JL Canovas, JL Hernandez-Ramos… - Ieee …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Blockchains offer a decentralized, immutable and verifiable ledger that can record
transactions of digital assets, provoking a radical change in several innovative scenarios …

Measuring the perceived benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the banking sector

P Garg, B Gupta, AK Chauhan, U Sivarajah… - … forecasting and social …, 2021 - Elsevier
This study aims to measure the perceived business benefits of blockchain technology
implementation in the banking sector and establish factors to measure these benefits …

Blockchain and e-government innovation: Automation of public information processes

M Kassen - Information systems, 2022 - Elsevier
The emergence of the blockchain phenomenon affects various aspects of human life. Public
sector reforms are also influenced by this trend. E-government leaders around the world are …

A comparative study: Blockchain technology utilization benefits, challenges and functionalities

O Ali, A Jaradat, A Kulakli, A Abuhalimeh - Ieee Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Blockchain technology enables users to verify, preserve, and synchronize the contents of a
data sheet (a transaction ledger) replicated by multiple users. Blockchain technology has …

[HTML][HTML] High interest, low adoption. A mixed-method investigation into the factors influencing organisational adoption of blockchain technology

M Dehghani, RW Kennedy, A Mashatan, A Rese… - Journal of Business …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study examines the factors influencing blockchain's adoption intention as a whole,
relying on an organisational perspective and the Technology-Organisation-Environment …

Blockchain technology and application: an overview

S Dong, K Abbas, M Li, J Kamruzzaman - PeerJ Computer Science, 2023 - peerj.com
In recent years, with the rise of digital currency, its underlying technology, blockchain, has
become increasingly well-known. This technology has several key characteristics, including …

Towards blockchain-based hospital waste management systems; applications and future trends

SMH Bamakan, P Malekinejad, M Ziaeian - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 - Elsevier
Effective hospital waste management (HWM) has become a significant environmental and
green healthcare domain issue. In this regard, recent outstanding technological advances in …

Examining the antecedents and outcomes of smart government usage: An integrated model

O Hujran, MM Al-Debei, AS Al-Adwan… - Government Information …, 2023 - Elsevier
Smart government is viewed as the highest modernization stage of public agencies.
Governments seek to employ disruptive technologies to substantially transform government …

A survey on the use of blockchain for future 6G: Technical aspects, use cases, challenges and research directions

A Kalla, C De Alwis, P Porambage, G Gür… - Journal of Industrial …, 2022 - Elsevier
While 5G is at the early deployment state around the globe, the research and industrial
communities have already started concentrating their efforts on formulating the overall 6G …