The paradox of probation: Community supervision in the age of mass incarceration
MS Phelps - Law & policy, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
After four decades of steady growth, US states' prison populations finally appear to be
declining, driven by a range of sentencing and policy reforms. One of the most popular …
declining, driven by a range of sentencing and policy reforms. One of the most popular …
Reinventing community corrections
Community corrections in the twenty-first century faces three challenges: how to be an
alternative to imprisonment, how to be a conduit for reducing recidivism, and how to do less …
alternative to imprisonment, how to be a conduit for reducing recidivism, and how to do less …
Inequality and punishment: A turning point for mass incarceration?
After decades of steady expansion, state prison populations declined in recent years for the
first time since 1972. Though the size of the decrease was small, it masks substantial state …
first time since 1972. Though the size of the decrease was small, it masks substantial state …
Uncommonly observed: The impact of New Jersey's halfway house system
Despite the nationwide use of halfway houses (HWHs), empirical findings documenting their
impact have been generally infrequent over the last 30 years. Recent high-profile incidents …
impact have been generally infrequent over the last 30 years. Recent high-profile incidents …
Sentencing and prison practices in Germany and the Netherlands: Implications for the United States (VERA Institute of Justice, October 2013)
R Subramanian, A Shames - Fed. Sent'g Rep., 2014 - HeinOnline
For the past four decades, crime control policies in the United States centered heavily on the
increased use of prisons. Fueled by a belief that only incapacitation and punitive sanctions …
increased use of prisons. Fueled by a belief that only incapacitation and punitive sanctions …
Playbook for Change-States Reconsider Mandatory Sentences
R Subramanian, R Delaney - Fed. Sent'g Rep., 2013 - HeinOnline
In a speech to the American Bar Association in August 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder
instructed US Attorneys to refrain from using" draconian mandatory minimum sentences" in …
instructed US Attorneys to refrain from using" draconian mandatory minimum sentences" in …
When prison gangs become organized crime: Studying protection arrangements and their consequences
RV Gundur, R Trammell - Trends in Organized Crime, 2022 - Springer
Despite interest in the subject, the study of prison gangs has been meagre since the late
1980s. Occasional studies appear, but they tend to focus on only the largest prison systems …
1980s. Occasional studies appear, but they tend to focus on only the largest prison systems …
Implementing evidence-based practices in community corrections: A review essay
WD Burrell, EE Rhine - Justice Research and Policy, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
The body of research and literature referred to as “evidence-based practice”(EBP) holds
enormous potential for improving the outcomes of probation and parole. The commitment to …
enormous potential for improving the outcomes of probation and parole. The commitment to …
California's Public Safety Realignment: Correctional policy based on stakes rather than risk
J Gerlinger, SF Turner - Criminal Justice Policy Review, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
This study examines the potential impacts on public safety of a sentencing policy focused on
offense, as opposed to risk. We utilize a California Department of Corrections and …
offense, as opposed to risk. We utilize a California Department of Corrections and …
Evaluation of Washington State Department of Corrections (WADOC) Swift and Certain (SAC) policy process, outcome and cost-benefit evaluation
Abstract In 2012, the Washington State Department of Corrections (WADOC) embarked on
an ambitious effort to restructure their community supervision model. These changes were …
an ambitious effort to restructure their community supervision model. These changes were …