Mix design concepts for 3D printable concrete: A review
Over the past decade, 3D concrete printing has shown enormous application potential for
the industry. The new technology poses specific requirements on 3D printable concrete …
the industry. The new technology poses specific requirements on 3D printable concrete …
[HTML][HTML] Global insights into micro-macro mechanisms and environmental implications of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) for sustainable construction …
Limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) has gained attention in the research paradigm, and
useful data is available in scattered form, necessitates comprehensive review to provide …
useful data is available in scattered form, necessitates comprehensive review to provide …
[HTML][HTML] Thixotropic structural build-up of cement-based materials: A state-of-the-art review
Thixotropic structural build-up is an intrinsic property of fresh cementitious materials, playing
a significant role in pumpability, stability and formwork filling of concrete, as well as …
a significant role in pumpability, stability and formwork filling of concrete, as well as …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advancements and future trends in 3D concrete printing using waste materials
Abstract 3D concrete printing (3DCP) is an innovative construction technique that enables
the creation of complex and customized structures. This technology offers advantages such …
the creation of complex and customized structures. This technology offers advantages such …
The role of early age structural build-up in digital fabrication with concrete
The advent of digital fabrication for concrete calls for advancing our understanding of the
entanglement of processing technology, rheology, admixture use and hydration control, in …
entanglement of processing technology, rheology, admixture use and hydration control, in …
Fresh properties of a novel 3D printing concrete ink
Abstract 3D printing technique is an opportunity for the development of architecture industry
altered by the emergence of 3D printing concrete ink that shows unconventional …
altered by the emergence of 3D printing concrete ink that shows unconventional …
[HTML][HTML] Improving the 3D printability of high volume fly ash mixtures via the use of nano attapulgite clay
The effect of nano-attapulgite clay (NC) addition on the fresh, hardened and microstructural
properties of high volume fly ash (HVFA) mixes designed for 3D printing was investigated in …
properties of high volume fly ash (HVFA) mixes designed for 3D printing was investigated in …
Rheological properties of ultra-high-performance concrete—An overview
Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is attracting increasing interests worldwide due to
its superior mechanical properties and durability. Securing proper rheological properties can …
its superior mechanical properties and durability. Securing proper rheological properties can …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanical properties and deformation behaviour of early age concrete in the context of digital construction
Digital construction is gradually opening unlimited possibilities for building and concrete
industry. The key secret for a robust print process lies in our understanding of the processing …
industry. The key secret for a robust print process lies in our understanding of the processing …
[HTML][HTML] Extrusion and rheology characterization of geopolymer nanocomposites used in 3D printing
This study focused on the suitability of geopolymer mixes for extrusion-based additive
manufacturing applications. Geopolymer mixes including alkaline potassium silicate …
manufacturing applications. Geopolymer mixes including alkaline potassium silicate …