Operation and planning of energy hubs under uncertainty—a review of mathematical optimization approaches
Co-designing energy systems across multiple energy carriers is increasingly attracting
attention of researchers and policy makers, since it is a prominent means of increasing the …
attention of researchers and policy makers, since it is a prominent means of increasing the …
The flexible roles of distributed energy storages in peer-to-peer transactive energy market: A state-of-the-art review
Y **a, Q Xu, L Chen, P Du - Applied energy, 2022 - Elsevier
With the development of distributed energy resources, the peer-to-peer (P2P) transactive
energy market has emerged as an effective method for consuming the excess renewable …
energy market has emerged as an effective method for consuming the excess renewable …
Decentralized bi-level stochastic optimization approach for multi-agent multi-energy networked micro-grids with multi-energy storage technologies
This paper presents a novel decentralized bi-level stochastic optimization approach based
on the progressive hedging algorithm for multi-agent systems (MAS) in multi-energy …
on the progressive hedging algorithm for multi-agent systems (MAS) in multi-energy …
Optimal bidding strategy of a gas-fired power plant in interdependent low-carbon electricity and natural gas markets
This work presents a bi-level optimization framework to determine the optimal bidding
strategies for a strategic gas-fired power plant, exerting market power in interdependent pool …
strategies for a strategic gas-fired power plant, exerting market power in interdependent pool …
Cooperative energy management of multi-energy hub systems considering demand response programs and ice storage
Energy hub systems integrate various energy sources and interconnect different energy
carriers in order to enhance the flexibility of the system. In this paper, a cooperative …
carriers in order to enhance the flexibility of the system. In this paper, a cooperative …
Multi-objective IGDT-based scheduling of low-carbon multi-energy microgrids integrated with hydrogen refueling stations and electric vehicle parking lots
There is little room for doubt that distributed generation systems including renewable
energy, microgrids (MGs), combined heat and power (CHP) units and storage systems have …
energy, microgrids (MGs), combined heat and power (CHP) units and storage systems have …
A hybrid robust-stochastic approach for strategic scheduling of a multi-energy system as a price-maker player in day-ahead wholesale market
This study investigates the strategic scheduling of a multi-energy system (MES) in the day-
ahead wholesale market (DWM) as a price-maker that can submit offers/bids to …
ahead wholesale market (DWM) as a price-maker that can submit offers/bids to …
Optimal energy management of multi-carrier networked energy hubs considering efficient integration of demand response and electrical vehicles: A cooperative …
This paper presents a cooperative energy management approach for multi-carrier
networked energy hubs. The proposed scheme facilitates energy hubs to exchange power …
networked energy hubs. The proposed scheme facilitates energy hubs to exchange power …
Optimization-based economic analysis of energy storage technologies in a coupled electricity and natural gas market
This work presents a stochastic mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) optimization
framework to investigate the optimal participation and economics of various energy storage …
framework to investigate the optimal participation and economics of various energy storage …
A hybrid robust-stochastic framework for strategic scheduling of integrated wind farm and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle fleets
This paper focuses on cooperative scheduling of the integrated plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle fleets and wind farm system (IWPHEVS) in the day-ahead wholesale market (DWM) …
vehicle fleets and wind farm system (IWPHEVS) in the day-ahead wholesale market (DWM) …