Dorsal and ventral attention systems: distinct neural circuits but collaborative roles
The idea of two separate attention networks in the human brain for the voluntary deployment
of attention and the reorientation to unexpected events, respectively, has inspired an …
of attention and the reorientation to unexpected events, respectively, has inspired an …
Spatial neglect and attention networks
Unilateral spatial neglect is a common neurological syndrome following predominantly right
hemisphere injuries and is characterized by both spatial and non-spatial deficits. Core …
hemisphere injuries and is characterized by both spatial and non-spatial deficits. Core …
The reorienting system of the human brain: from environment to theory of mind
Survival can depend on the ability to change a current course of action to respond to
potentially advantageous or threatening stimuli. This" reorienting" response involves the …
potentially advantageous or threatening stimuli. This" reorienting" response involves the …
Loss of intranetwork and internetwork resting state functional connections with Alzheimer's disease progression
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Much is known
concerning AD pathophysiology but our understanding of the disease at the systems level …
concerning AD pathophysiology but our understanding of the disease at the systems level …
Resting interhemispheric functional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity predicts performance after stroke
Objective Focal brain lesions can have important remote effects on the function of distant
brain regions. The resulting network dysfunction may contribute significantly to behavioral …
brain regions. The resulting network dysfunction may contribute significantly to behavioral …
Learning sculpts the spontaneous activity of the resting human brain
The brain is not a passive sensory-motor analyzer driven by environmental stimuli, but
actively maintains ongoing representations that may be involved in the coding of expected …
actively maintains ongoing representations that may be involved in the coding of expected …
The restless brain
ME Raichle - Brain connectivity, 2011 -
The pressing need to better understand human brain organization is appreciated by all who
have labored to explain the uniqueness of human behavior in health and disease. Early …
have labored to explain the uniqueness of human behavior in health and disease. Early …
Right hemisphere dominance during spatial selective attention and target detection occurs outside the dorsal frontoparietal network
GL Shulman, DLW Pope, SV Astafiev… - Journal of …, 2010 -
Spatial selective attention is widely considered to be right hemisphere dominant. Previous
functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, however, have reported bilateral blood …
functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, however, have reported bilateral blood …
The state of resting state networks
Functional MRI (fMRI) is currently used for pre-surgical planning, but is often limited to
information on the motor and language systems. Resting state fMRI can provide more …
information on the motor and language systems. Resting state fMRI can provide more …
Top-down control of human visual cortex by frontal and parietal cortex in anticipatory visual spatial attention
Advance information about an impending stimulus facilitates its subsequent identification
and ensuing behavioral responses. This facilitation is thought to be mediated by top-down …
and ensuing behavioral responses. This facilitation is thought to be mediated by top-down …