Bibliometric analysis of publications on web of science database related to accounting information system with map** technique
One of the main tasks of the accounting information systems is to provide information users
at all levels with reliable and easy-to-understand information to be used in planning and …
at all levels with reliable and easy-to-understand information to be used in planning and …
[HTML][HTML] The predictors of the quality of accounting information system: do big data analytics moderate this conventional linkage?
Although accounting information systems (AIS) of firms are well-established, little is known
about their effectiveness and the underlying sources essential to enhance the quality of …
about their effectiveness and the underlying sources essential to enhance the quality of …
Digital transformation in accounting: elevating effectiveness across accounting, auditing, reporting and regulatory compliance
Purpose The study aims to analyse the role of digitisation in accounting in enhancing the
overall effectiveness of accounting functions. To achieve this, the study provides empirical …
overall effectiveness of accounting functions. To achieve this, the study provides empirical …
What determines digital accounting systems' continuance intention? An empirical investigation in SMEs
This research aims to investigate the factors that determine the intention to continue using
digital accounting systems (ICU-DAS) among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) …
digital accounting systems (ICU-DAS) among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) …
[PDF][PDF] Digital competences and human development: a canonical correlation analysis in Romania
The acceleration of digital transformations in the administrations of the EU member states is
influenced by the digital skills of citizens and civil servants alike. The Romanian …
influenced by the digital skills of citizens and civil servants alike. The Romanian …
Digital accounting system and its effect on corporate governance: An empirical investigation
This empirical investigation explores the impact of the digital accounting system (DAS) on
corporate governance (CG). The rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized …
corporate governance (CG). The rapid advancement of technology has revolutionized …
[HTML][HTML] The relationship between ai adoption intensity and internal control system and accounting information quality
This study develops an empirical model for accounting information systems' quality. The
paper identifies the manufacturing industry, intensity of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption …
paper identifies the manufacturing industry, intensity of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of environmental uncertainty on accounting information relevance and performance: A contingency approach
This paper examines the association between environmental uncertainty, accounting
information relevance, and organizational performance. From a contingency approach, this …
information relevance, and organizational performance. From a contingency approach, this …
[HTML][HTML] Linking quality of accounting information system and financial reporting to non-financial performance: The role women managers
This study aims to analyze whether non-financial (NF) performance is influenced by the
quality of accounting information system (AIS) and the quality/usefulness of financial …
quality of accounting information system (AIS) and the quality/usefulness of financial …
Determinants of employee performance at public hospitals in Indonesia: Examining the moderating role of organizational culture
M Sari, NA Sagala - Problems and Perspectives in …, 2024 - search.proquest.com
Performance refers to the outcome or overall degree of achievement exhibited by an
individual within a specified timeframe in executing duties about a range of potential …
individual within a specified timeframe in executing duties about a range of potential …