Fluid flow features in hydrocarbon plumbing systems: What do they tell us about the basin evolution?

KJ Andresen - Marine Geology, 2012 - Elsevier
Fluid flow features such as sandstone intrusions, mud volcano systems and pockmarks
represent well-known geological structures generated due to flow of fluids in the subsurface …

The chronology and tectonic style of landscape evolution along the elevated Atlantic continental margin of South Africa resolved by joint apatite fission track and (U‐Th …

M Wildman, R Brown, R Beucher, C Persano… - …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Atlantic‐type continental margins have long been considered “passive” tectonic settings
throughout the entire postrift phase. Recent studies question the long‐term stability of these …

Rapid South Atlantic spreading changes and coeval vertical motion in surrounding continents: Evidence for temporal changes of pressure‐driven upper mantle flow

L Colli, I Stotz, HP Bunge, M Smethurst, S Clark… - …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The South Atlantic region displays (1) a topographic gradient across the basin, with
Africa elevated relative to South America,(2) a bimodal spreading history with fast spreading …

Origin and evolution of widespread crescentic pockmarks on the western South China Sea margin

L Wang, F Zhao, E Miramontes - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024 - Elsevier
Pockmarks are prominent morphological features formed by fluid escape at the seafloor that
provide valuable information on past environmental conditions and ongoing sedimentary …

[HTML][HTML] Origin of seafloor pockmarks overlying submarine landslides: Insights from semi-automated map** of 3D seismic horizons (North West Shelf, Australia)

R Riera, V Paumard, M de Gail, MM Saqab… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2022 - Elsevier
Pockmarks are geohazards that can impact offshore developments, and an understanding of
their formation assists in determination of their physical characteristics and in the prediction …

Segmentation and volcano-tectonic characteristics along the SW African continental margin, South Atlantic, as derived from multichannel seismic and potential field …

H Koopmann, D Franke, B Schreckenberger… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2014 - Elsevier
Regional seismic reflection and potential field data document the South Atlantic's break-up
history, between 39° S and 19° S, from the Early Cretaceous onwards. Previous maps of …

Gas hydrate distributions in sediments of pockmarks from the Nigerian margin–Results and interpretation from shallow drilling

J Wei, T Pape, N Sultan, JL Colliat, T Himmler… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2015 - Elsevier
A joint research expedition between the French IFREMER and the German MARUM was
conducted in 2011 using the R/V 'Pourquoi pas?'to study gas hydrate distributions in a …

Post-rift stratigraphic evolution of the Atlantic margin of Namibia and South Africa: Implications for the vertical movements of the margin and the uplift history of the …

G Baby, F Guillocheau, J Morin, J Ressouche… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2018 - Elsevier
The aim of this study is to constrain the post-rift deformations of the Atlantic passive margin
of Namibia and South Africa using an extensive industrial 2D reflection seismic dataset …

The late rifting phase and continental break-up of the southern South Atlantic: the mode and timing of volcanic rifting and formation of earliest oceanic crust

H Koopmann, B Schreckenberger, D Franke, K Becker… - 2016 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Multichannel seismic and potential field data shed light on the final rifting stage in the
southern South Atlantic. This was associated with major episodes of magmatism during the …

Strato-structural evolution of the deep-water Orange Basin: constraints from 3D reflection seismic data

NG Maduna, MSD Manzi, Z **nah, JE Bourdeau - Solid Earth, 2022 - se.copernicus.org
Deep-water fold-and-thrust belt (DWFTB) systems are gravity-driven collapse structures
often found in passive margin settings and are comprised of a linked up-dip extensional …