A high-performance Monte Carlo simulation toolbox for uncertainty quantification of closed-loop systems
We apply Monte Carlo simulation for performance quantification and tuning of controllers in
nonlinear closed-loop systems. Computational feasibility of large-scale Monte Carlo …
nonlinear closed-loop systems. Computational feasibility of large-scale Monte Carlo …
Nonlinear model predictive control and system identification for a dual-hormone artificial pancreas
In this work, we present a switching nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) algorithm for
a dual-hormone artificial pancreas (AP), and we use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) …
a dual-hormone artificial pancreas (AP), and we use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) …
High-performance uncertainty quantification in large-scale virtual clinical trials of closed-loop diabetes treatment
In this paper, we propose a virtual clinical trial for assessing the performance and identifying
risks in closed-loop diabetes treatments. Virtual clinical trials enable fast and risk-free tests …
risks in closed-loop diabetes treatments. Virtual clinical trials enable fast and risk-free tests …
Simulation of NMPC for a Laboratory Adiabatic CSTR with an Exothermic Reaction
In this paper, we present nonlinear system identification and nonlinear model predictive
control (NMPC) for a laboratory-scale adiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with …
control (NMPC) for a laboratory-scale adiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with …
Nonlinear model predictive control for an exothermic reaction in an adiabatic CSTR
We model and simulate an exothermic reaction conducted in an adiabatic continuous stirred
tank reactor (CSTR). The system has multiple steady states in part of its operating window …
tank reactor (CSTR). The system has multiple steady states in part of its operating window …
Efficient computation of the continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter sensitivities applied to maximum likelihood estimation
In this paper, we present and compare different methods for computing the likelihood
function and its gradient. We consider nonlinear continuous-discrete models described by a …
function and its gradient. We consider nonlinear continuous-discrete models described by a …
Review of algorithms for improving control of blood glucose levels
In this study, we review recently proposed advanced methods based on various techniques
in order to improve blood glucose control while avoiding an increased risk of hypoglycemia …
in order to improve blood glucose control while avoiding an increased risk of hypoglycemia …
Initial titration for people with type 1 diabetes using an artificial pancreas
For people with type 1 diabetes and some with type 2 diabetes, the problem of insulin
titration, ie finding an adequate basal rate of insulin, is a complex and time-consuming task …
titration, ie finding an adequate basal rate of insulin, is a complex and time-consuming task …
Large-scale virtual clinical trials of closed-loop treatments for people with type 1 diabetes
We propose a virtual clinical trial for assessing the safety and efficacy of closed-loop
diabetes treatments prior to an actual clinical trial. Such virtual trials enable rapid and risk …
diabetes treatments prior to an actual clinical trial. Such virtual trials enable rapid and risk …
飯村由信, 若生将史 - 計測自動制御学会論文集, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 Maintaining appropriate blood glucose levels within an acceptable range is essential
for patients with type 1 diabetes. Zone model predictive control seeks to maintain its output …
for patients with type 1 diabetes. Zone model predictive control seeks to maintain its output …