Transparent electronics for wearable electronics application
Recent advancements in wearable electronics offer seamless integration with the human
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
Future prospects and recent developments of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) piezoelectric polymer; fabrication methods, structure, and electro-mechanical properties
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a favorite polymer with excellent piezoelectric properties
due to its mechanical and thermal stability. This article provides an overview of recent …
due to its mechanical and thermal stability. This article provides an overview of recent …
High-performance piezoelectric composites via β phase programming
Polymer-ceramic piezoelectric composites, combining high piezoelectricity and mechanical
flexibility, have attracted increasing interest in both academia and industry. However, their …
flexibility, have attracted increasing interest in both academia and industry. However, their …
Piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting and sensing applications: Roadmap for future smart materials
Piezoelectric materials are widely referred to as “smart” materials because they can
transduce mechanical pressure acting on them to electrical signals and vice versa. They are …
transduce mechanical pressure acting on them to electrical signals and vice versa. They are …
Strain-induced multiscale structural evolutions of crystallized polymers: From fundamental studies to recent progresses
S Xu, J Zhou, P Pan - Progress in Polymer Science, 2023 - Elsevier
Semicrystalline polymers products usually adopt a crystallized form in their end-use
environment. These crystallized polymers undergo various deformations under different …
environment. These crystallized polymers undergo various deformations under different …
Flexible PVDF based piezoelectric nanogenerators
Confronting the depletion of fossil energy and the pollution of chemical batteries, together
with the rapid development of various portable electronic devices and the Internet of Things …
with the rapid development of various portable electronic devices and the Internet of Things …
Ultrahigh β-phase content poly (vinylidene fluoride) with relaxor-like ferroelectricity for high energy density capacitors
Poly (vinylidene fluoride)-based dielectric materials are prospective candidates for high
power density electric storage applications because of their ferroelectric nature, high …
power density electric storage applications because of their ferroelectric nature, high …
A critical analysis of the α, β and γ phases in poly (vinylidene fluoride) using FTIR
Poly (vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF) has been widely utilized in scientific research and the
manufacturing industry for its unique piezoelectric properties. In the past few decades, the …
manufacturing industry for its unique piezoelectric properties. In the past few decades, the …
Nanoparticle-enhanced β-phase formation in electroactive PVDF composites: a review of systems for applications in energy harvesting, EMI shielding, and membrane …
With the continuous advancement of electronic devices, lightweight, flexible, and easily
processable materials have gained substantial techno-commercial importance. Most …
processable materials have gained substantial techno-commercial importance. Most …
Recent progress on ferroelectric polymer-based nanocomposites for high energy density capacitors: synthesis, dielectric properties, and future aspects
Dielectric polymer nanocomposites are rapidly emerging as novel materials for a number of
advanced engineering applications. In this Review, we present a comprehensive review of …
advanced engineering applications. In this Review, we present a comprehensive review of …