Hydrodynamic variability of an intermittently closed estuary over interannual, seasonal, fortnightly, and tidal timescales

ME Harvey, SN Giddings, G Pawlak, JA Crooks - Estuaries and Coasts, 2023‏ - Springer
Small low-inflow intermittently closed estuaries are common in Mediterranean climates
worldwide; however, despite their important contributions to ecosystem services and coastal …

Nutrient and trace metal fluxes into estuarine sediments linked to historical and expanding agricultural activity (Hearnes Lake, Australia)

SR Conrad, IR Santos, S White, CJ Sanders - Estuaries and coasts, 2019‏ - Springer
Agriculture activities in coastal catchments often contribute pollutant runoff such as nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and trace metals to estuarine environments. Here, we determine the …

Future evolution of a tidal inlet due to changes in wave climate, Sea level and lagoon morphology (Óbidos lagoon, Portugal)

N Bruneau, AB Fortunato, G Dodet, P Freire… - Continental Shelf …, 2011‏ - Elsevier
Tidal inlets are extremely dynamic, as a result of an often delicate balance between the
effects of tides, waves and other forcings. Since the morphology of these inlets can affect …

Observations of episodic breaching and closure at an ephemeral river

MM Orescanin, J Scooler - Continental Shelf Research, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Carmel River, near Carmel, CA, is a seasonally open, ephemeral river that has a
basin of 660 km 2. During the dry summer months, the barrier beach is built across the river …

[HTML][HTML] Assessing the Role of Extreme Mediterranean Events on Coastal River Outlet Dynamics

F Meslard, Y Balouin, N Robin, F Bourrin - Water, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
River mouths are highly dynamic environments responding very rapidly to changes in wave
energy or river floods. While the morphological response during floods or during marine …

[HTML][HTML] Morphodynamic behaviour of a mediterranean intermittent estuary with opening phases primarily dominated by offshore winds

P Feyssat, R Certain, N Robin, O Raynal… - Journal of Marine …, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
This study focuses on the dynamics of an intermittent estuary in a wave-dominated
(microtidal) area, with low fluvial discharges and strong dominant offshore wind regimes …

Establishing the wave climate influence on the morphodynamics of a coastal lagoon inlet

S Plecha, PA Silva, A Oliveira, JM Dias - Ocean Dynamics, 2012‏ - Springer
The morphologic changes in estuaries and coastal lagoons are very complex and constitute
a challenging task in coastal research. The bathymetric changes result from the combined …

[PDF][PDF] Episodic changes in lagoon water levels due to ephemeral river breaching and closure events

JD Scooler - 2017‏ - calhoun.nps.edu
Abstract Carmel River, near Carmel, CA, is a seasonally open, ephemeral river that has a
basin of 660 km². During the dry summer months, the barrier beach is built across the river …

[PDF][PDF] Sediment transport associated with ephemeral river breaching and closing events

WR Young - 2018‏ - calhoun.nps.edu
Breaching of beaches is a catastrophic morphological change that can fundamentally alter
the circulation within littoral systems and create damage to surrounding coastal …

Contribution to the study of the Ria de Aveiro inlet morphodynamics

SMN Plecha - 2011‏ - search.proquest.com
Over the years it was observed at the Ria de Aveiro lagoon inlet, near the head of the north
breakwater, a depth increase that might threaten the stability of this structure. A trend of …