Rashba-like physics in condensed matter
Spin–orbit coupling induces a unique form of Zeeman interaction in momentum space in
materials that lack inversion symmetry: the electron's spin is locked on an effective magnetic …
materials that lack inversion symmetry: the electron's spin is locked on an effective magnetic …
Flat bands, strange metals and the Kondo effect
Flat-band materials such as the kagome metals or moiré superlattices are of intense current
interest. Flat bands can result from the electron motion on numerous (special) lattices and …
interest. Flat bands can result from the electron motion on numerous (special) lattices and …
Superconducting spin reorientation in spin-triplet multiple superconducting phases of UTe2
Superconducting (SC) state has spin and orbital degrees of freedom, and spin-triplet
superconductivity shows multiple SC phases because of the presence of these degrees of …
superconductivity shows multiple SC phases because of the presence of these degrees of …
Field-induced tuning of the pairing state in a superconductor
The recently discovered superconductor UTe 2, with a superconducting transition
temperature T c between 1.5 and 2 K, is attracting much attention due to strong suspicion of …
temperature T c between 1.5 and 2 K, is attracting much attention due to strong suspicion of …
Superconductivity and local inversion-symmetry breaking
Inversion and time reversal are essential symmetries for the structure of Cooper pairs in
superconductors. The loss of one or both leads to modifications to this structure and can …
superconductors. The loss of one or both leads to modifications to this structure and can …
Field-Angle Dependence Reveals Odd-Parity Superconductivity in
CeRh 2 As 2 is an unconventional superconductor with multiple superconducting phases
and T c= 0.26 K. When H∥ c, it shows a field-induced transition at μ 0 H*= 4 T from a low …
and T c= 0.26 K. When H∥ c, it shows a field-induced transition at μ 0 H*= 4 T from a low …
Observation of Antiferromagnetic Order as Odd-Parity Multipoles inside the Superconducting Phase in
Spatial inversion symmetry in crystal structures is closely related to the superconducting
(SC) and magnetic properties of materials. Recently, several theoretical proposals that …
(SC) and magnetic properties of materials. Recently, several theoretical proposals that …
Triplet Pairing Mechanisms from Hund's-Kondo Models: Applications to and
Observing that several U and Ce based candidate triplet superconductors share a common
structural motif, with pairs of magnetic atoms separated by an inversion center, we …
structural motif, with pairs of magnetic atoms separated by an inversion center, we …
Electronic landscape of the f-electron intermetallics with the ThCr2Si2 structure
Although strongly correlated f-electron systems are well known as reservoirs for quantum
phenomena, a persistent challenge is to design specific states. What is often missing are …
phenomena, a persistent challenge is to design specific states. What is often missing are …
Discovery of Magnetic Phase Transitions in Heavy-Fermion Superconductor
We report on the specific heat studies performed on a new generation of CeRh 2 As 2 single
crystals. Superior quality of the samples and dedicated experimental protocol allowed us to …
crystals. Superior quality of the samples and dedicated experimental protocol allowed us to …